chapter 26|meet new Queen bee 🐝

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I hang my friend all my friend are here then I saw my brother and their friend walk to our group my all the student staring at us girls getting jealous boys are looking at us with Lust also my brother and I also our friend start walking through th...

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I hang my friend all my friend are here then I saw my brother and their friend walk to our group my all the student staring at us girls getting jealous boys are looking at us with Lust also my brother and I also our friend start walking through the double door.

we going take you guys to office the my brother and their friend said to me and my friend we saw the sign say office we walk into the office their was a girl at the front of the desk looking at her laptop.

Hey can my sister have her schedule my brother said in he cold tone yeh.

yeh sure the office lady gave me and my friends our schedule.

Adira farraris year 10

Math A20

AP English E13

helth class E16


AP art A50

PE A05

AP science E45

my friend grab my schedule out of my hand yes we all got the same classes All 7 us all walking to Math we front of math class door A20 we slam the door open their was woman she in her early 50s want the name of this racket who disparate my class the old lady told the class.

she sounds like a Karen I said to the my group of friends we are the new Students I said to old dinosaur teacher My Name is Adira Ferraris this are my friends after I said my name you can hear gasp from student student start to Whisper around the class room.

I took the sit in the back class where their is 7 empty seats I sit down and my friends did the same in front of us we 3 girl in front of us 2 of the girls look like sister the other look like she is the youngest ones out of her family.

hey my name is Paris Hatzis I am 16 you are Adira Ferraris the Ferraris missing sister.

great to meet you Paris I said to her.

hey don't mind her she just our best friend the 2 girl said oh where is my manners My name is Ambra Sinani this is my sister Ambra said to me

hey I am Leandra Ambra little sister my sister Ambra is 17 I am 16 feel sorry you have live with house with full of boys  Leandra said to me.

thanks do guys want to join us 7 at lunch time yeah sure if isn't a problem Ambra said not at all is just 7 us will be sitting their now will be 10 of us I said to them.

yeah sure we see at lunch time Paris said to me.

then the bells rang we and my friends got out of our sit walk our of class room to go to AP English.

then the bells rang we and my friends got out of our sit walk our of class room to go to AP English

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