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the car ride was quiet between us. not the akward kind of quiet, we just listened to music the whole time. he gave me aux so i turned my playlist on shuffle.

i looked over and saw him singing to one of the songs, earning a laugh from me.

"what are you laughing at?" he turned to look at me.

"nothing, i didn't know you liked this song. you really have a beautiful singing voice." i laughed again.

"i get that a lot." he joked as he pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex. he opened my door for me and said, "let me walk you up."

"okay." i agreed. he placed his hand on my lower back, guiding me through the lobby and into the elevator.

he leaned against the wall on the way up. it looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn't.

"i had a lot of fun tonight." he spoke up finally.

"me too."

"i was actually wondering if you wanted to do it again sometime?"

"yes, of course."

my phone buzzed in my purse so i grabbed it and saw that mia had texted me.

i'm not coming home...
we're going to his house!!

HOLY SHIT! details

obviously! see you in the

"who was that?" pedri asked.

"just mia. she's still with ferran."

"hmmm. sounds like they're having fun." he laughed.

"maybe a little bit too much fun." i laughed too.

we got out of the elevator and walked me to the door. i rummaged through my purse for my keys and when i finally found them i looked back up to see pedri still there.

"do you want to come in?" i asked him.

"no thank you, i have to get home. i've got practice early in the morning tomorrow."

"oh alright. thank you for tonight." i smiled, opening my door.

"no, thank you." he responded. "also, i'm really sorry about gavi again. i don't know why he was acting like such a dick."

"it's okay." i reassured.

"good, i'll text you tomorrow." he smiled.

"okay, goodnight pedri."

"goodnight julia." he pulled me into a hug before walking away.

i turned into the apartment and ran to my room. i plopped down face first, replaying the whole night in my head.

i got up, took off my makeup and brushed my teeth. i changed into something more comfortable and put my hair up before i got into bed. i pulled the covers up and grabbed my phone.

*pablogavi is now following you*

was the first think i saw when i opened instagram. weird, i thought, but i followed him back anyways.


i woke up the next morning to mia jumping around on my bed.

"JULIA! WAKE UP!" she screamed.

"oh my god. please stop screaming." i groaned. "what time is it?"

"8am!" she screamed again. "ferran just dropped me off on his way to practice."

can't have it all - gavi and pedriWhere stories live. Discover now