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mia spent the whole morning sleeping while i spent it watching tv or scrolling through my social media. many times, i even found myself looking at pedri's tik tok and instagram accounts.

when she woke up, we talked about ferran and how she felt. she talked about how he not only is fun, he's also sweet. he doesn't make her do things she doesn't want to do and is always complimenting her. after a bit, she changed the topic over to me and started asking about my love life.

"i think it's for the better that diego's out of your life. think about it. if it weren't for that breakup, you would have never met pedri." she said. "and i would've never met ferran." she added quieter, causing me to laugh.

"yeah, i really am over him. i know it's only been almost two weeks but i haven't been thinking about him. it's such a relief to be away from him."

"i'm glad you've come to your senses finally. i could not stand to see you refusing to get up anymore. but anyways, what's happening with pedri?"

"nothing right now." i sighed. "it's only been three days mia that's so quick."

"i know, but love doesn't have a time limit. it can come quickly and go quickly too."

"you're right, but no. nothings happening."

"oh come on! i saw you cuddling him last night! you literally fell asleep in his arms!"

"he was just comforting me because i was afraid from that movie."

"if that's what you really think..." she turned away from me and turned on the tv.

i did really think that. he's sweet and all but i think he only sees me as a friend. plus, even if he doesn't, i wouldn't want to jump into a relationship so quickly after last time.


a few days had passed since we had seen the boys. pedri and i continued to text a lot but neither of us had tried to make plans.

the sun was going to set soon and i wanted to get out of the house. what better way than to go watch the sunset at the beach?

even though the air was warming up lately, i threw on sweatpants and a hoodie. it always gets cooler in the evening, especially near the water. i pulled my hair back into a claw clip and sprayed some perfume. i grabbed a smallish blanket and slipped on my shoes. i knocked and mia's door and told her i was leaving. and finally, i slipped on some shoes and went out the door.

i decided to walk there since it was kinda close to my apartment complex and i really enjoy walks in cool weather. i put my airpods in and turned on my playlist.

i arrived at the beach just in time. it was still light out and the weather app on my phone told me that the sun would start setting any minute.

the beach was surprisingly empty. normally, lots of people are here but maybe it had something to do with it being cold out and a random thursday. the only other people here were those passing by, out for runs or walking their dogs.

i walked closer to the water and laid out the blanket. it wasn't too close that i'd get splashed with water but it was far away enough that i wouldn't.

a few minutes later, the sun began to set just as i expected. the sight was so beautiful, especially above the water. i guess i come here a lot by myself. i often came while i was still with diego to clear my mind but this time was different. i didn't need to clear my mind or to think. i just wanted to enjoy the beautiful view.

out of no where i felt a hand on my shoulder. i took my airpods out and put them back in their case.

"is this seat taken?" a familiar voice said from behind me. i immediately knew who it was but i turned around to look at him anyways, greeting him with a smile.

can't have it all - gavi and pedriWhere stories live. Discover now