Chapter one

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                         There I was, standing on an old abandoned bridge in the middle of the woods. Some say I was crazy for standing in the cold without a jacket but I was desperate, I was mentally and physically tired of life. I just wanted to get away from it, and if that meant that I had to end my life to finally feel free from that than that's what I would do. I wanted nothing more than to try to live like I've way I've been but I couldn't stand it anymore. I couldn't stand my parents looking right through me as if I didn't exist, the kids at school pitying me for the loss of my sister, feeling unwanted, unreal and not alive. I haven't smiled in days if not years since my sister passed. That day changed everything. Everyone says I've changed but no, life has changed me. It killed Ivy, my innocent 4 year old sister, she didn't do anything, why did life take her instead of me? If she was called to heaven, could I be called to so I can be with her?
               The water splashed against my pant leg, soaking it. Was it trying to remind me what I was thinking of doing? It couldn't stop me, I had to be with Ivy, she needed me.

"Doing what Ellie? What the hell are you doing?"

Renei, that was her voice. But she wasn't here, it was in her head. Ren, what would Ren think if she knew what I was doing? Would she try she stop me. Surely she would, she was one of my only friends, she knew almost everything I've gone through. She almost felt like family to me. Did she replace Ivy, of course she didn't, no one could replace her sister. Then anothef thought came into my mind, my horse. Twilight. What would she do without me? That horse didn't let anyone touch her but me.

"Ivy. Help me. What do I do?" I cried to sister, hoping she could help me. I could live without Ivy but some people couldn't live with me either. Maybe I should come back later and see what happens then. Maybe I wasn't ready for this.

That was when I remembered walking away, walking to the other side of the bridge to return home when I heard a creek somewhere behind me. That was when I turned. I remember seeing that tree and saying, "Oh God." and than that tree falling towards me. I remember the tree, getting hit, the bridge collapsing under my feet, and than a splash, and then the fading memory of a girl drowning.

A memory of a figure running to that girl, trying to save her, then red and blue lights, and than nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"What the hell? What is happening. Why can't I feel anything?"

And that was when I realized that girl was myself, that figure was my mother.  What the hell happened? Someone tell me what is happening!

The next thing I remember was being in the girls body, gosh, she was bleeding. I mean I was bleeding... A ghost figure was standing over me, letting me know everything would be ok.

"E. Everything is going to be ok. Just relax."

That voice was familiar, Ivy. This had to be a dream, when would I wake up. Dear lord, help. Please wake me up. Please. That's when the dream ended, I was back in my bedroom.

I was alive wasn't I? Or was I...

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