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I wake up to the sun shining in my face.

For fucks sake!

I cringe and block out the light. I sit up and look around. I notice that I'm on Evan's bed, sneaky bastard. I pick up a card on the bed side drawer next to a peach colored and open the card,

Dear Kate,

Please clean yourself and wear this dress for breakfast with my boss.

Hurry V doesn't wait for whores...


I scoff and throw the card to the ground in disgust. I walk towards to what I think is the bathroom and turn on the light. What kind of place is this?! It's like a freaking 5-star hotel. I walk in to the huge, white bathroom and look at the shower.

"How the hell do I turn this crap on?!" I mumble as I try to turn on the shower. I pull a lever and the freezing water starts pouring down on my head. I scream and take my head out from under the water. I turn the lever the other way and it gets hot. I undress and get into the shower. I wash up then I put on the dress he gave me and look at myself in the mirror. It was a simple peach colored dress that reached above my knee. I never looked good in dresses and I haven't shaved my legs in like 5 days so they were basically a cactus. I shrugged my shoulders and walked out of the bathroom. It's not like I'm trying to impressing anyone. I grab a brush that was lying on the dresser and try to brush my hair but the brush got stuck in my tangled hair. I nearly broke my wrist trying to brush my hair so I just give up and slowly walk out of the room. I look to my left and then to my right.

"Finally, now come on the boss is waiting" I get startled as an unfamiliar man forcefully takes ahold of my arm and practically drags me down the hall.

He pushes me into a room with Evan, his boss and Kayla. Everyone's eyes are on me now and I look down at my feet awkwardly stands there. Evan gets up and mumbles something under his breath then he grabs my arm and leads me towards the table. He pulls back the chair and forces me to sit down. A hand is placed on mine and I look to my right and Kayla is giving me a sympathy smile. I smile back and look towards the boss. He was looking at me with stern eyes.

"So, Kate we are here to talk about your free time... Outside" I sit up and listen closely. "You will get to go outside with Evan but just remember you guys won't be alone so don't try anything." I nod. "You will be able to go outside once every weekend and you will be out there for an hour and a half and you will come back to eat lunch. Is that clear?" I nod and say "Will I be having my free time today?"

"Yes in fact right now" Evan gets up and grabs my arm then leads me to a metal door that leads to a security station, they scan his ID and we were led to a big metal door with over 15 locks. Jeez! Once the door opens a cool, gentle breeze blows in my face. I smile and quickly walks out. I miss the outside, its been 2 weeks since I've felt the wind in my hair. I walk over to a rock near a lake, Evan soon joins me. I just sit there and take it all in, the birds chirping, the butterflys fluttering around and the fish in the lake spashing around.

"Beautiful ain't it?" I look towards Evan.

"Yeah, yeah it is" He looks at me and smiles.

"You look nice when you smile"

He chuckles "Thanks, you look beautiful when you smile"

"Thanks" I blush and looks away. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, ask on"

I sigh "Why did you take me?"

"Let's not talk about that" he gets off of the rock and walks to a tree.

"Please just tell me! I, at least need to know!" I say following him.

"No, no you wouldn't understand" He puts his hand in his head of curls and pulls violently on them.

"Just tell me!"

"DON'T YOU EVER RAISE YOUR FUCKING VOICE AT ME, YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOUR TALKING TO!!" He grabs my wrist and push me against the tree. "Since you wanna know so fucking bad, I tell you...you help me calm this problem I have inside of me"

"What's the problem?"

"Anger, sadness...memories.." He gets closer as he continues "Your the only one who can take me out of misery" his lips brush against mine but I push him away.

"Do you know how many other girls, in my neighborhood, that could take you out of misery... why did you take ME?"


My eyes widen in shock. Wow

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