Consequences Of Love ❀

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Mae-In surveyed the shelves of books before choosing the book with the most appealing nameㅡ "Winter's Snowdrop". She settled down on a table to read.

It was night. The atmosphere was calm and pleasing. There was no chaos. It was night so no Royal Scholar would enter. It was such a nice little atmosphere for Mae-In to read. She didn't want any thoughts or troubles to annoy her at such a moment. All she wanted was to enter the world of imagination through books. But her dreams were shattered once she heard a familiar voice ask her a question.

"Reading books at this hour?" the voice of the Crown Prince echoed through the library.

"Your Highness...! I came here because I couldn't sleep," she got up in surprise. The Crown Prince emerged from the shelves.

"What book are you reading?" he asked her, sitting on the chair opposite hers.

"Winter's Snowdrop... " Mae-In replied as she pretended to be invested in the book. "Great book, but the main character dies in the third chapter," he informed her. Mae-In quickly shut the book. She didn't want any more deaths.

"Did you meet Senior Court Lady Eun-Ju today? When are you starting classes?" he asked while she searched for another book.

"Yes... She told me I would be starting tomorrow," Mae-In answered as she sat down on the table next to where she was sitting before to read a book named "Moon's Sunlight".

"You seem to be interested in books, do you like reading?" asked the Crown Prince.

"Very much," she answered. "Reading takes me out of this world and into another one. It makes me escape reality."

"Not when you have to read about politics," he said.
"That is a different thing. I hate politics," Mae-In rolled her eyes. The Crown Prince said nothing.

"What about you, Your Highness? Do you like reading?" Mae-In asked after a while.
"Yes. But most of the time, I have to read books about the topic you hate. Have you read 'Flowers To My Youth'?" he asked.

Mae-In slammed her table in excitement. "Yes! That one! The one where the old couple is reunited again!? That book is very wholesome!"

"I agree. Have you read 'Ruby Words'?" he asked. "No... But I know that book is about a mysterious murder. I don't like violence," Mae-In said.

The Crown Prince said, "You seem to like books about fantasy. However, the Palace Library has only fifteen books like that. You will run out soon."

"Well then, I will order Court Lady Jin-Hee to specially bring books from the market," Mae-In said.

"Your Highness, what do the classes teach?" Mae-In asked after a long while. For some reason, she couldn't push away her thoughts about the classes.
"I honestly don't know what they teach Crown Princesses. Royal etiquette perhaps?" the Crown Prince gave a short response as he appeared too busy with the book's contents.

Mae-In frowned. "I know that... But what does it exactly teach?" she asked again. "I told you, I don't have an idea," he gave his short response again.

Mae-In gave up on the conversation and put her head on the table. She thought she was finally capable of striking up a conversation with the Crown Prince who spoke very little but sincerely; having a common interest, but her thought was wrong. She still couldn't believe that she was married to him and her capability to strike up a conversation with him remained low.
This wasn't the case for other people. She was invariably talkative with other people. Perhaps she talked about unnecessary things sometimes. But when it came to him, she was nowhere near the talkative she was with other people. She didn't even find the correct words to speak when he was around.

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