𝑃𝑎𝑝𝑎?...𝐷𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑦?... 𝑃𝑡 2 (last part?)

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The 2 fiancé's were sitting in Sapnap's car listening to music quietly wall they were talking about the fight when Karl spoke up, "The fight was dumb Sap, we should just go home..I wanna go home and lay in bed holding Quackity an play with his hair wall Y/n sat on the bed watching bluey regressed playing with there toys" Karl said slightly whispering.

Sapnap began tearing up, he wanted to go home. So fucking bad and do exactly what Karl said he wanted to do, everything in him wanted to drive his car to the house going over the speed limit to make it home as quickly as he can to see his little flame and fiancé....but his ego wanted to show Quackity that he doesn't need him. He can take care of himself and Karl.

Karl snapped Sapnap outta his thoughts to keep them from smiling as he put his hand on top of Sapnap's watching the two rings lightly make a noise as the rings slightly rubbed against eachother, "Let's go home Sap" Karl said watching Sapnap look away from Karl as he wiped his tears looking back at Karl seeing him have a soft smile on his face as Sapnap nodded beginning to drive the car back to there house.

Karl having to tell Sapnap a few times to slow down as he kept going over the speed limit causing Sapnap to huff, he knows Karl means well but he just wants to get home! And as fast as he can,, Karl just chuckled at his fiancé as he put his hand on Sapnap's thigh to comfort the raven.

After about 40-50 minutes the 2 fiancé's finally reached there home, quickly turning off the car, running to the door step and practically shoved the keys into the door quickly but quietly unlocking it as they knew that there fiancé and little star were most likely asleep.

As they entered inside they heard foot steps coming down the stairs wall Karl an Sapnap locked the door setting the car an house keys back on the hook on the wall before they turned around hearing there babys voice, "papa?,, daddy?..." Y/n mumbled rubbing at there eyes sleepily with there hoodie sleeve.

Karl an Sapnap smiled widely seeing there baby standing a few feet in front of them in Sapnap's hoodie that is definitely way too big for them an the collar that Karl got them along with one of Quackity's beanies sitting on there head along with there custom Karl Jacob's pacifier in there mouth bobbing up an down as Y/n watched the 2 look at there outfit causing Y/n to smile and hold there panda, duck an frog stuffed animals all in there arms tightly.

"Hey little flame, we missed you so much" Sapnap said kneeling down a bit opening up there arms seeing Y/n squeal happily as they ran to Sapnap hugging him tightly feeling him pick them up putting em on his hip.

"We missed you so much kiddo.." Karl said softky smiling as he placed a kiss on Y/n's head smiling when they squealed happily in Sapnap's arms, Karl an Sapnap softly put a finger to there own mouth softly going "Shhh, mama Q's sleeping remember? We gotta be quiet to not wake him up" Sapnap said smiling when Y/n nodded putting a finger to there own mouth making the same noise as they giggled softly.

"C'mon let's get you to bed little flame" Sapnap said to Y/n smiling softly at them as they yawned digging there head into Sapnap's neck nodding tiredly, Sapnap carried Y/n upstairs with Karl following quietly behind as Sapnap opened up the bedroom door seeing Quackity laying there under the covers fast asleep with tears stains dried onto his face.

Sqpnap an Karl's faces softened at the sight of there fiancé feeling a bit bad that they made him cry, but the two quickly got out of there heads remembering they were just about to put there angel to sleep, Sapnap carried Y/n over to the bed tucking them in then going to walk away before feeling a slight pull on his shirt.

"papa,,daddy, p'ease don' go again.." Y/n said quietly as there voiced cracked with tears fighting not to fall, Sapnap an Karl felt there hearts break seeing the sight of there angel almost break down. Karl quickly but quietly walked over to the bed getting under the covers pulling Y/n close to there chest "I promise we won't ever leave again kiddo, I'm sorry" Karl said barely over a whisper but just enough for the two to hear causing Y/n to look up at him putting up there pinky finger.

"ou pinky p'omise?" Y/n asked earning a nod from Karl and Sapnap holding up there pinkys, "we promise" the two said linking there pinkys with Y/n's earning a happy smile from them as they layed there head back on Karl's chest beginning to fall asleep, Karl smiled sleepily at them before letting himself fall asleep aswell.

Sapnap smiled as he climbed into bed under the covers next to Quackity holding him close to his chest not letting go, "I won't leave you ever again Q, I promise" Sapnap mumbled loud enough just for Quackity to hear as he wrapped his arms around Quackity's waist planting a kiss on his forehead before letting himself drift off to sleep.

Quackity smiled softly hearing the words his fiancé said to him, sure Sapnap doesn't know Quackity was listening but that's what made it special, that's how Quackity knew he meant it, God did Quackity love the two men to death even if they may quobble every now in then.

The End

I'm not sure if I'm going to make another part to this, should I?

Have a great rest of your day or night or even evening!

Hope you guys enjoy this long-ish chapter! ‹𝟹

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Time: 2 Days I Believe
Words: 1039

☆ 𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑆𝑚𝑝 𝐴𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑂𝑛𝑒𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 シ︎Where stories live. Discover now