a story of infinite fun #3

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It's been awhile since Majin joined the freedom fighters and already people like him.

His goofiness and fun loving nature made him popular with kids.

He was also very helpful in many battles against robotnik.

Especially one instance.

The Voice: This is one of the battles against them and you will see why if he were in your universe, he would be considered the greatest hero.

Everyone was interested in this.

In a forested area, Majin and some resistance members were preparing to ambush a platoon of robots that were said to pass by this area.

Rm #1: Are we certain this is a good idea?

Rm #2: We've done this before recruit. Follow us and you'll be fine.

Rm #1: I don't know. I'm scared honestly.

Aizawa: It's not easy when it comes to stuff like this. Especially if your new to it.

All might: Which is why we teach you so you can be prepared students.

The Voice: Your teachers are right. But with Majin they have nothing to fear and he also does inspirational speeches, this one in particular will be surprising due to how similar it sounds to a certain someone's catchphrase.

This confused everyone.

Majin spots the robots moving into position and looks to see some of the new resistance members shaking.

Majin knew this wouldn't be easy for them but he would make sure they would get back home safe and sound.

Majin: Fellas, I know your scared. Its natural, but we can not let fear win us over. Robotnik thinks he can beat us, but we'll put an end to his plans. Together, we will stop the mad doctor. His tyranny will end before you know it. You have nothing to fear, why? Because I am here!

Everyone was shocked and inspired by his speech.

But the last part shocked them all because it was all mights catchphrase.

Izuku: That's all mights catchphrase!

Kirishima: So manly!

All might then turned into his buff form.

All might: Ha! Majin and I share the same ideals!

He then turns back spitting up blood.

All might: Sorry.

The robots then enter the area oblivious to the traps set for them.

One then steps on a wire which sets off mine explosions which destroy a handful of them.

Majin and the resistance fighters then charge destroying more robots.

Bakagou: Hell, yeah! Destroy those tincans!

Aizawa: Hiding until the traps were set off destroying a handful of them then charging at the rest. Smart thinking.

Nezu: Indeed. He shows leadership and strategist qualities.

Majin then takes out a few them then sending some clones at more of them.

The fire also illuminates Majin showing his attire.

He was wearing combat boots and pants, fingerless gloves, an urban combat vest, a scarf around his neck and he was also wearing goggles.

He also had a katana and throwing knives on him.

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