Invited to a special event

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(This takes places after the fight with all for one by the way)

In UA, Class 1a were training while being supervised by aizawa and some pro heros.

Suddenly, nezu shows up with a figure wearing a owl mask with a letter in his hands.

Aizawa: Nezu? What are you doing here and who is this?

Nezu: Well, this fellow apparently has an invitation for us. Something about a special event.

Class 1a and aizawa are weary of the figure.

Tenya: How do we know this isn't a trap?

???: It is not I assure you. My employer wanted to invite for a special event.

All might: What kind of event exactly?

???: One unlike any other.

Aizawa: I guess it wouldn't hurt.

???: Splendid. Now, my employer likes a certain amount of animosity so I have to ask that you wear these blindfolds until we get to the event.

While this was suspicious, it would be rude to turn down an invitation and they wanted to respect the man's wishes so they went along with it.

???: Thank you. Now, there are others that are getting an invitation as well so please, keep a professional attitude.

(With the L.O.V)

Everyone was confused at the figure standing before them.

He was wearing an owl mask and had a card in his hand.

Shigaraki: Who are you?

???: I have been sent by my master to invite you to a special event. One unlike any other.

This set everyone off.

They were getting an invitation to an event even though they were villains.

Toga: And why should we believe you?

???: You don't have to. But I assure you, the event is something you don't want to miss.

While he could have just dusted the figure, shigaraki was a little interested about this event.

Shigaraki: Fine. We accept.

???: Wonderful. By the way, put these blindfolds on. My master prefers to remain anonymous until the event.

(At Tartarus)

All for one looked at the figure in front of him with interest.

He saw the guards let the figure pass after they said something involving owls, so he had to guess that they were a part of some group.

All for one: To who, do I owe the pleasure?

???: My boss has invited you to a special event I'm sure you will enjoy.

All for one chuckled at this.

All for one: And how exactly are you gonna get me there?

???: The guards know of the event. They know not to make the boss angry.

All for one: I'm assuming I'm not the only one going to this event.

???: You are correct. Your pupil and his allies have been invited as well, along with the heros and the one known as stain.

All for one: Interesting. You brought to the same event despite knowing that they are gonna fight?

???: The boss made it clear that no violence will be allowed at the event.

All for one was interested in this event.

All for one: Very well. I accept.

???: Great. Now, I'm gonna have to put you to sleep as a blindfold won't work considering your current state.

All for one: I understand.


Class 1a and the heros arrived at the place the event was taking place.

???: You may take your blindfolds off. But something to make clear before you do, my employer will not condone violence during this.

This confused everyone on what he meant but when the took the blindfolds off, they were face to face with the L.O.V, all for one and surprisingly stain.

Heros: Villains?!

L.O.V: Heros?!

They all got into a fighting stance but light then turned on, blinding them.

???: I will not condone violence for this event!

The lights then dimmed revealing a man wearing a owl mask only it was more extravagant.

Bakagou: Who the hell are you and why are villains here?!

???: I am the voice of the court of owls and your host for this event.

This confused everyone.

They never heard of this group.

Nezu: What is the court of owls exactly?

The voice: If I told you, I would have to eliminate you.

This shocked everyone that they would be eliminated if he told them about the group.

Aizawa: At least tell us what this event is?

The voice: Certainly. I have brought you here to watch the stories of heros and villains.

Everyone was surprised that this event was them watching heros and villains.

Shigaraki: Why would I want to watch some hero?!

Stain: Yeah! What good will it do to watch a fake hero?

The Voice: To answer your question shigaraki, your also watching villains as well. So be patient. As for you stain, You'd be surprised at the hero you will watch.

This calmed them down a little.

All might: You said that we're watching heros and villains? Why exactly?

The Voice: Because not only will it show you that the multiverse is real, it will also help you learn.

Everyone was confused and shocked.

Shocked that the multiverse was real.

Confused when he said that this would help them learn.

All for one: What kind of heros and villains are watching?

The Voice: Ones unlike any other. Now the seats are beside you and if you require snacks or beverages, our butlers will provide for you. And after we show you the first hero, we will show you the rest of the area.

Everyone got in there seats with class 1a and heros on one side and the villains and stain on the other.

The Voice: One more thing.

A man in an owl mask gave present mic some cards.

Present mic: What are these for?

The Voice: Because there will be times you will say the name of the characters of the stories and their descriptions.

This made sense to present mic.

The Voice: Now for the first story.

He pulled out a card with an infinity symbol on it.

The Voice: Imagine a world that has been taken over by a madman, where there is no more hope, dreams are dead and there is no fun to be had anywhere.

The heros were frightened by the setting of this story while the villain's seemed to like it.

Shigaraki: Sounds like my type of world.

The Voice: But never fear, a resistance fights back against this madman and when a new figure joins, he will show that fun is infinite.

Everyone was confused at the description of this story.

The Voice: Let's begin the story shall we.

MHA watches the stories of heros and villains (Up For Adoption)Where stories live. Discover now