how did you get there?

394 6 15

-just saying this one is kind of a filler because I've kinda got no ideas
also Sunny do the speak-

*a couple minutes later*

Y/N: idk where she's put that picture but everyone's gonna see it

Basil: it probably won't happen though, she'll just keep it for herself maybe-

Y/N: oh no, you should see my mom when the tiniest thing happens, I could do my homework and it'll be all over Facebook within a minute

Basil: damn

Y/N: yeah.

*a couple moments of complete silence goes past*

Basil: you wanna like, go to the park maybe? we've got nothing to do anyway

Y/N: hell yeah, let's go! you go downstairs for a minute, I'll get dressed

Basil: yeah okay-

*you get dressed and fall down the stairs while trying to walk down*

Basil: uh, Y/N? how did that even happen?

Y/N: its called: "me being stupid"

Basil: uh okay then- well anyway, let's go!

*at the park*

Basil: uh..

Y/N: yeah we so know what we're gonna do here-

Basil: totally-

*out of the corner of your eye, you see Sunny sat on a bench, staring directly at you*

Y/N: oh, hey Sunny!

Basil: huh? oh yeah hey Sunny!

*you both walk over to Sunny and sit down on the bench with him*

Basil: so, how have you been?

Sunny: I've been.. okay

Basil: that's good to hear!

Sunny: oh yeah, Y/N, can I talk to you real quick?

Y/N: uh, sure?-

*Basil just watches as Sunny grabs you by the arm and walks away*

Basil: i wonder what Sunny needs to tell Y/N.. it's none of my business anyway-

*with Sunny and Y/N*

Sunny: okay, how did you get in there?

Y/N: wait, get in where?

Sunny: last night, or somewhere from the last couple nights, do you not remember waking up in a plain white room?

Y/N: well yeah-

Sunny: okay, how did you get there?

Y/N: I-I don't know! I just woke up and I thought I'd be in my house not.. whatever that was-

Sunny: *sigh* okay then, but you do remember how to get out?

Y/N: yeah i know, you just.. stab.. yourself?

Sunny: well, yeah technically
if you end up there, just stab yourself and you'll wake up

Y/N: okay.. wait, how do you know-

Sunny: uh, I'll answer that soon, let's just get back to Basil now..

Y/N: yeah okay..

Sunny: also, good to see you're okay again

*Sunny gives you a friendly smile, then the both of you walk back*

Basil: so, what were you guys talking about?

Y/N: I.. can't really tell you, it'd be hard to explain

*Basil just looks at you*

Y/N: uh, Basil? you good?

Basil: yeah. totally fine.

*a moment passes and Basil's still looking at you*

Y/N: uh, why are you staring at me?

Basil: yeah.. i don't really know-

*you hug Basil and Basil hugs back*

Sunny: uh-

Y/N: yeah, I think me and Basil are gonna go home now, see you soon Sunny!

*you and Basil get up and walk away, waving goodbye to Sunny*

Sunny: okay then, see you soon-
what the hell was that-

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