Chapter 11*

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Your POV

Today I had some interviews in the morning, then Camila and I were going out tonight. And then I was going to take Camila's virginity...

I was just in jeans and a t-shirt, and was about to talk Chelsea Briggs. "So for those of you that don't know, this is Y/n Y/Ln, the lead singer of Four More. So Y/n, you guys just finished a tour, and you're working on the new album now?"

"Yeah, yeah. We're working really hard on this album. From the music we've written so far it's gonna be good, we're really excited." I smile, turning to the camera momentarily.

"Ok, so enough about the music. We're gonna talk about what everybody's been asking about. You and Camila." Chelsea says, doing a dance with her eyebrows. I can feel the blush on my cheeks as I smile at the brunette. "So, you guys are together?"

"Yeah, we are." I smile, Chelsea rolling her eyes. "What? I answered the question." I laugh.

"Come on. Give me a little more. You probably know her a lot better than most of us. Is she like what she shows us?" Chelsea asks.

"Uh, yeah. Pretty close. I mean, when we're like watching movies she's obviously a little more relaxed." I shrug. "And I'm sure I've seen a couple sides of her that others haven't." I laugh lightly.

"Oh yes definitely. Now, what exactly was it that made you fall for her?" Chelsea smiles.

"Uh... I mean that's kind of between Camz and I. Sorry." I smile, Chelsea nodding.

"That's understandable. So now were going to play a couple games actually. The first one is Most Likely To. These are the most favorited questions from your fans, so I didn't pick them."

"Uh oh. That's never good." I laugh.

"Ok, first one. Now this is only out of your bandmates. Most likely to mess up on stage?" She asks.

"I would say Joey. I mean he hasn't messed up too often, but sometimes he has bad shows, but we all have." I shrug, Chelsea laughing.

"None of us have noticed." She smiles. "Second. Most likely to get married first?"

"I would say me because I fall very fast, without necessarily thinking about the consequences." I say, Chelsea nodding.

"Most likely to not have kids?"

"Oh, Shannon maybe. She's never been one to love kids, I don't know. It hasn't been a conversation we've had." I shrug.

"Last one. Most likely to do something illegal."

"Oh me." I say with no hesitation. "I mean that's just between us, so we won't repeat that." I laugh lightly.

"Ok cool. Our next game is Truth or Share. So I'm gonna give you some rumors and you have to say whether or not they're true, and if they aren't you have to share how it started." Chelsea explains. I nod, urging her to continue. "You and Selena Gomez."

"Uh, so that's not true. Selena and I used to be friends, and her friend was having a party, and I went with her, and then I was introduced to a bunch of people. I thought of it as a work thing." I laugh lightly, running a hand through my hair.

"You've broken over 15 bones." Chelsea reads.

"That's actually true. When I was a kid I was a daredevil. I would jump off everything and anything. I broke my arm when I was three, and I've broken a lot of things since." I laugh.

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