Chapter 8

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(A/n: Ok guys. This is where it gets intense. You are the youngest. I'm going to give you the names, but you might get over whelmed like I am as I'm writing them. They are in age order. Isabella (24), Gulianna, Gulia for short (22), Sophia (21), Maria (20), Francesca (19), Vinny (18), Tony (18), Mikey (18), you (17). I know it's a lot of names, but we're going to accept it.)

Your POV

The next day, I called Camila around 10 am, giving her the address of the barbecue and what time it was going to be. I told her she could bring Dinah as well, the more the merrier.

I was kind of nervous. She wasn't my girlfriend, but we were definitely something. I was just going to introduce her as Camila Cabello, that's it, nothing more. But my brothers and sisters weren't letting me live it down.

I was sitting in the living room with all of them, and they were teasing me non stop.

"We're gonna meet your girlfriend." Bella teases, poking my ribs. I slap her hands away, and my siblings laugh.

"I've seen pictures of her. She's hot." Vinny smirks.

"She's not my girlfriend. And I know she's hot." I mumble, crossing my arms.

"Have you kissed her?" Maria smirks, making me roll my eyes, and I could feel my cheeks start to heat up at the multiple memories of the brunettes lips on mine. "Oh my god! You have." She laughs, shoving me.

"Fuck off..." I mumble as my mom walks into the room.

"Kids, leave her alone. Come on let's go. We're leaving." Mom says, slapping the back of Maria's head. I tease her a bit on the way to the car because our mom loved me the most.

Of course it was the 'Welcome Home' barbecue, so we had to get 'dressed up'. I let Camila know too. My whole family was dressed all preppy, but I was just in a pair of white jean shorts and a navy blue t-shirt. When we get to Shannon's, hugs are distributed, also to my bandmates and their siblings.

About 10 minutes after we get there Dinah and Camila show up. I smile, walking up to them, pulling Dinah in for a hug, then pecking Camila on the lips. "Hey babe." I smile, then freeze automatically. We weren't official. She wasn't my girlfriend yet. Why did I call her babe?

"Y/n, relax." Camila laughs lightly, interlacing our fingers.

"Sorry." I smile sheepishly, as Dinah goes over to my bandmates. "Why don't you come meet everyone?" I suggest, Camila nodding with a smile. I lead her over to my parents who smile at us. "Mom, Dad, this is Camila Cabello. Camila, these are my parents."

"It's so nice to meet you, Y/n doesn't shut up about you." My mom smiles as Camila shakes hands with both of my parents.

I blush awkwardly and lead Camila over to my siblings, attempting to ignore any farther conversation that would lead Camila to realization of how much of a loser I am. "Bitches, this is Camila. Camz, these people are the reason I cry myself to sleep." I tease, Franny shoving me lightly. "I'm joking. These are my sisters and brothers."

"Do I get names?" Camila asks, giggling a bit. This was always the most difficult part of introductions. The names.

We all wince when Camila asks the question because we all have intense second hand embarrassment and we didn't want her to feel it.

"Names are something you have to remember, flashcards or something. Because you won't remember. The triplets will be the hardest because they're identical." I explain. Camila scans them for a second before turning back to me.

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