1. A stare

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As I felt our Ikran land on the sandy plain, I hopped off, looking back at the endless plain of sea.
No turning back now.
My brothers stood at my side, Neteyam on my right and Lo'ak on my left. My sisters stood near my parents, gazing at the new Na'vi who looked suspiciously at us, as though we were alien.

I could feel my stomach churning with nerves, my whole demeanour feeling off abnormal. Usually I was good with strangers, this time seemed off putting. Then again leaving everything that you knew since you were a kid was definitely different. Even the air smelt different, a salty taste settled on my tongue.

Glancing to the left, I noticed who I assumed was Tonowari according to my father approach us, his wife just behind him. Before I gestured to greet him, I heard a pair of younger voices stalking towards us. Feeling my body stiffen slightly, I gestured a greeting towards the two shortly before my brothers did. The taller one in stature watched us closely, as though trying to assert some sort of dominance, I could immediately tell he was the chief's son just by his aura. His friend followed close behind him, looking as though he was judging us heavily. Trying not to let the thought get to me, I straightened my back, trying to show off no sense of vulnerability.

My eyes pierced into the older's blue eyes, which perfectly resembled the ocean that I had previously flown over. It felt like a challenge to see who would break first, my heart rate felt slightly abnormal.
For a first time interaction, this was certainly different, but I didn't let it phase me, I simply stared back, not batting an eye.

His friend let out a laugh, looking at me and my brothers, pointing at our tails. The older broke contact to join his friend in the collective laughter.
I furrowed my brow, giving him a stare, not wanting to utter a word I would regret. Lo'ak did not seem impressed either, Neteyam gave us a look to stay calm. My temper was fluctuating.        
"What even are those, they will be useless in the water." The younger retorted, laughing.
I rolled my eyes, feeling an urge to set him straight.

Behind them, a younger girl, maybe a year younger than me appeared, hitting their hands.
"Knock it off, Aonung, Rotxo." She scolded, turning to us, her eyes landing on Lo'ak. Turning to Neteyam we shared a look only us older siblings could understand, knowing exactly what was going on.
"Someone seems interested." I muttered so only he could hear.
"True, seems someone's staring at you too." He mumbled, a tinge of annoyance in his voice.
I looked back, the older breaking eye contact with me shortly after.
"I apologise for my brother and his friend, I'm Tsireya, but you can call me Reya. Welcome to our village." The girl greeted, giving me a warm smile.
"The pleasure is all ours, I'm Y/n, and these are my brothers Lo'ak and Neteyam. Back over there is Kiri and Tuk, my sisters." I smiled back, feeling a bit more at ease.

After some debate and thought, we were allowed entry into their village. A feeling of relief seeped into my bones.
"Let me show you our village." Reya said softly gesturing for us to follow her. Tonowari had said his children would be teaching us as the crack of dawn, which I assumed was Reya and Aonung.
The village itself was gorgeous, I was in awe at its architecture and craftsmanship. In addition, our pod looked comfortable, I was just grateful to have somewhere to stay now, flying for long periods of time definitely does something to your back.

Quickly, I was out and about exploring, getting used to the feeling of sand beneath my feet. The sky was turning a shade of pink and orange, I looked up in wonder, a feeling of warmth crept up my skin.

Shortly after, I sat down at the bank of the beach, feeling the light waves crash at my feet, water vapour lightly hitting my skin. As much as I hated change, I knew adapting was my best bet. It seemed I was the most confident out of my siblings, trying to make the best of this situation even if it was saddening to let go of home. Pulling my knees to my chest, I watched the sea move ever so slightly, the wind causing it to ripple. I felt fascinated by the movement of the water, not averting my eyes from its beauty.

I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts as I sensed a presence behind me.
Turning around slowly, to my surprise it was Aonung, just looking at me.
"Oh, hi! I don't know if you remember I'm-"
"Y/n, I remember," he retorted before I finished my sentence.
"Ah okay, what brings you here?" I asked.
"Well, usually this is where I come to sit by myself." He muttered.
"I see, I'm sorry I can move." I replied, "I know some people prefer privacy."
"No it's fine, I guess I need to be at least mutual with you guys, even though I don't want to." He muttered the last part under his breath but I just heard him.
"Are you going to just stand there or sit?" I chuckled, trying to make light of the awkwardness.
Shortly after he took a seat next to me, watching the ocean intently just as I had before.
"You know you are going to struggle tomorrow." He retorted, still looking out at sea.
"I gathered, but I like a challenge."
"Do you really? Well we will see how you fare tomorrow then." He chuckled, cracking as smile for the first time.
"You're on." I said confidently, "You don't seem to like us much do you?"
"Well, so far from my interactions, you seem tolerable." He said softly.

I laughed, "I can deal with tolerable for the time being."

Just as a warning I will only be posting chapters on the weekends, but I will do my best with regular updates. Hope you guys will like this story, I have many ideas in store.
-Author out

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