4. Ilu

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For once, all tension had left my body as I excitedly dragged my two brothers over to where the Ilu were.
This was something I certainly wasn't going to miss. In the back I could see Tonawari and my father going over to the deeper ends of the reef, I assumed to ride one of the bigger fish. If I recall it was called a skimwing.

Brushing the thought aside I beamed once again as I went over to look at all the Ilu who were circling Tsireya, Rotxo and Aonung.
"If you are to live here, you must learn how to ride." Aonung announced to us, before doing the same call that he had done last night with Atticus.
"Lo'ak, come with me and I will introduce you to an Ilu." Reya smiled, beckoning him over.
Neteyam went with Rotxo which left me with Aonung.

"Hello there stranger." He joked as we entered a clearing of water.
I laughed softly, "I am expecting greatness from your teachings." I said sarcastically.
"Of course, come closer, I'll introduce you to your Ilu."
Stepping closer so we were side by side, he called over an Ilu that was swimming next to Atticus.
"Once you get on, make the bond slowly, allow yourself to feel comfortable and feel her emotions through the bond." He said sternly.
I nodded, slowly making the bond and allowing myself to stroke the Ilu's head before getting on.
The Ilu squirmed at first, likely not used to this interaction.
"What is a good way to sit?" I questioned.
Aonung came up closer to me, lifting his hands ever so slightly before stopping; as though asking for permission.
I smiled softly and nodded.
"So strong grip just behind the head and have your legs and bit more loose, you do not need too much of a tight grip." He said lightly touching me leg to indicate where to move it.
I nodded, "And now do I just go?"
He nodded back, giving way for me to try my first attempt.

Taking a deep breath, I looked along the ocean expanse before signalling to go forward.
It took me by surprise at first at how fast these Ilu were as it surged forward.
Holding my breath, I dived down. In all honesty, it was much more difficult to do when you are under water. I definitely preferred the feeling of being in the air.
My grip started to loosen as the Ilu picked up speed before she completely swam away. I guess this was going to get some getting used to.
After resurfacing, I turned to look at Aonung who was laughing whilst slowly clapping.
I rolled my eyes as I suppressed a smile, swimming back swiftly.
"Not bad, not bad at all. Of course needs work, but not bad." He teased.
"Uh huh, at least I am doing better than my brothers over there." I chuckled as I saw Lo'ak get completely wiped out.

"I'm guessing it's different from flying in the air." He commented.
"Mhm, and not as dangerous."
"Dangerous?" He asked, as we walked back to shore.
I sat down on the sand, looking out at my siblings do their best to adapt to this new way of life.
He sat next to me, waiting for an answer.
"Once you reach a certain age, you are taken to find your Ikran. The catch is, the Ikran that chooses you tries to kill you."
"Kill you?" He looked bewildered.
I nodded, "So when I got to choose my Ikran, it went to bite me, but I dodged, climbed on it and then we had to fly to secure the bond."
"Wow, I don't know if I could ever do that." He muttered as though doubting himself.
"Trust me, I didn't think I could either, yet here I am." I smiled.
"What is your Ikran's name?" He asked.
"Malu. He is a fierce one I will tell you that, but he is obedient."

"Y/n!" I heard the voice of my father shout from behind me.
Turning around I saw him calling me over with his hand.
"I'll see you later Aonung." I said quickly before getting up.

"Yes dad?" I said entering our hut.
"How are you coping with all this, are you okay?" He asked. I think he was starting to get nervous about our wellbeing.
"I am dad, I am learning a lot. Plus I have made friends."
"I'm glad, if you need anything, do not hesitate to ask." He assured me.
"Thanks dad, I am going to go head down back to the beach for a bit, I'll make sure to keep an eye on Tuk."
"Thank you Y/n, have fun."

Bidding my goodbyes, I headed back to the beach, watching as Tuk fed one of the younger Ilu.
"What did Dad want?" Lo'ak asked as he came up to me.
"Just making sure we were all doing okay." I assured, patting him on the back, "How riding your Ilu?"
"I'm getting there, your friend Aonung is a pain in the ass though."
"Yeah his sarcastic demeanour really makes up his personality. Don't fret, I am sure Reya will teach you well." I teased him.
He rolled his eyes, before going back into the water once more.

After some time watching Tuk I was approached by Reya.
"Hey Y/n, I was wondering if tomorrow morning you would want me to do your hair? You don't have to agree of course but-"
"I would love that, thank you." I said sincerely.
She practically beamed at my response, "Great! I'll see you tomorrow then."

A warm feeling settled in my stomach, a feeling of comfort.


I love Tsireya so much
-Author out

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