5. A new look

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Early the next morning, I had met up with Reya in her hut as she excitedly got her things together.

"You wait here I'll be right back." She smiled, "Make yourself comfortable."
I sat down, crossed legged as I waited quietly for her to come back. Their home, which was unsurprisingly larger, was also very comfortable. I scanned the area whilst I waited silently until two pairs of footsteps could be heard coming inside.

I was not prepared for the Tsahìk and the chief to walk into the hut. They looked at me, slight confused at first until Tonawari spoke up.
"Ah you must be Y/n, one of the daughters of Jake Sully." He said simply.
I gestured a greeting towards them before getting up from where I stood, "My apologies if I am intruding at all." I said sincerely.
"No no not at all." He said, "Sit, are you here with Tsireya?"
"Yes yes, she said she would be back shortly." I said, sitting back down quietly.
The Tsahìk, Ronal, simply looked at me as though analysing all my movements.
"I hope you are becoming comfortable in our village and are adapting well to our customs." He commented.
"Of course yes, I feel very welcomed, thank you for your hospitality. We are very appreciative of it."
He smiled, "I am glad."

After a moment of silence, Reya returned with an assortment of shells, all beautiful shapes and colours.
"I will not disturb any longer, come Ronal." Tonawari said before they both left silently.
"Now, let's begin." She smiled at me as she sat behind me.

As she did my hair, we got to talking. She was very kind and sweet, I felt comfortable in her presence, not threatened at all, unlike with Aonung at times who was a bit intimidating sometimes.

I wondered how I would look with a new hairstyle, I hadn't changed my hair in many years, I hoped my mum would approve.

"And there we go. Turn around." She said excitedly.
Turning towards her, she beamed as she clasped her hands together.
"You look gorgeous!"
I smiled at her, "Thank you so much Reya."
"Of course! Come come let's go find the others."
"I will meet up with you soon, I just want to show my parents." I said getting up from my seat.

She nodded smiling, before we went out separate ways.
I quickly made my way to our hut, checking to see if they were home. Luckily they were.
"Hey Y/n I was just thinking-" my dad stopped in his tracks, "Woah that's new."
My mum hearing my dads remark turned around to look at me.
I looked at her nervously, hoping she liked it.
She slowly got up from where she sat, looking at me with her mouth slightly ajar.
Making her way to me, she studied my face.
"Eywa has blessed you with such beauty my daughter. You look beautiful."
I couldn't help but smile at her remark, "Thank you mother."

Two pairs of footsteps came into the hut as I turned around.
"Oh hey Dad you know- oh sick hair sis!" Lo'ak said quickly.
I laughed, thanking him.
"It suits you sister." Neteyam smiled at me.
"Thank you brother." I beamed.
"You wanna join us for some more breathing practice?" Neteyam asked me, "We might go back on our Ilu too."
I nodded, bidding goodbye to our parents.

As we arrived on the banks of the beach, Tuk ran up to me as she looked at my hair, "You look so cool Y/n!" Tuk said smiling.
I ruffled her hair playfully as we all walked to the water.
I saw Aonung and Rotxo in the water, feeding their Ilu who seemed very hungry.

Aonung turned around, looking like he was about to make a remark but he stopped, and just stared at me.
"You look different." He said stumbling over his words slightly.
"I know, your sister is very talented." I chuckled at his attempt at a compliment.
"Come, let's get back to you riding your Ilu." He said simply looking away.

After some time, it started to become late afternoon. Aonung had assisted with my positioning on my Ilu in order to not fall off anymore.
"You've adapted well, I'm surprised." He said with his signature smirk.
"Uh huh, I want to see you riding an Ikran."
He rolled his eyes, "In your dreams forest girl.
"Definitely sea boy." I laughed, making my way out to go for a walk.
"Where are you going?" He shouted as I walked away.
"Somewhere." I teased before turning back and taking my walk.

I decided to take these walks so that I could recollect my thoughts after a busy day, I needed some time to myself in order to stay grounded. So I would walk to the end of the beach and back to the village allowing myself to feel the cold waters against my feet as I slowly felt more and more comfortable in our new home.

It was still light out, so my plan was to try and do my own personal teaching to ride my Ilu properly, who I was yet to name.
As I arrived, I heard some sort of commotion behind me. I turned around and my eyes widened to see Aonung and his Friends getting a little too close to Kiri and Lo'ak. Especially what Aonung was doing definitely struck a nerve, as I clenched my fist. I turned on my heel and quickly made my way over, ready to teach that sea boy a lesson.

Fucking Bastard.


Aonung is in trouble- yikes
-Author out

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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