3. Late night talk

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I had gotten up early the next morning due to the fact that I wasn't able to get comfortable to sleep. So I found comfort sitting on the sands of the beach and watching the stars above before the sun rose once more.
Instead of hearing the crisp sound of wind from the trees, I listened to the soft sounds of waves crashing against each other as the tide rolled in.
Although I was not used to this environment, I knew for the sake of whatever was to come for the future, I had to adapt. Even if that meant leaving behind personal feelings. I had to stay strong for the sake of my family, especially Kiri and Tuk. I know Tuk especially finds comfort in my words, so portraying a sense of a calm, cheerful demeanour would certainly attribute to her mood.

After some time alone with my thoughts, I felt an oddly familiar presence behind me. I whipped my head around to be faced with the chief's son, Aonung.
"Oh, its you." I said calmly.
"You don't sound happy to see me." He said light heartedly.
"It's not that, I just struggled getting sleep." I said quickly.
"Mhm, I see you have decided to come back to the same spot, again." He noticed.
"I guess thats how you found me." I remarked.
"What brings you here so late?" I asked.
"Same as you, struggling with sleep."

Making conversation with this boy was difficult, I could tell he was tense. I wasn't sure if it was because we were strangers, or because he simply did not like who I was... forest people as I have heard some of the others call us.

"May I ask something?" He asked after a moment silence.
"If you wish yes."
"Are you afraid?"
The question took me by surprise, allowing me to finally make eye contact, slightly shifting my body to face him.
"How do you mean?"
"Well, you seem eager to learn, yet I feel that in a new place like this you would struggle to cope, especially someone like you."
The last part of the sentence struck a slight nerve but I decided to ignore it, "It is all about adapting and being tolerable as you like to call me." I said half heartedly. The way he spoke yesterday was very different to now. This time it felt more serious, and I was unsure why.
"If you are certain."
I nodded slowly as though to assure myself more than him/
He nodded, "You know today you are riding an Ilu." He said changing the subject which I was partly grateful for.
My eyes lit up at the thought, "Really? That sounds exciting," I said not being able to contain my smile.
"Will your teachings be as good as yesterdays?" I chuckled.
"Of course, I am the best after all." He said with a sense of confidence.
"Sure sure, we will see about that."
It was strange how the tone of our conversation could shift so quickly, as though the previous part of the conversation never happened. With my family, when talking about a specific topic, it seemed that the flow of conversation was not as fluid, unless I spoke with Neteyam. Him being my older brother made for easy conversation as I was the oldest sister.

Aonung got up from where he stood, and reached down his hand.
"Come, I will introduce you to my Ilu." He said simply.
This perked my interest as I gently took his hand and was hoisted up onto my feet.

He led me to the shallow end of the bank, wading so effortlessly in the water. Clicking noises escaped his lips, calling for the Ilu. The call was unique, very different to how we called our Ikran.
The small creature surfaced from the depths of the water, gently nuzzling against Aonung's chest.
"This is Atticus." He said stroking its head.
I smiled at the interaction between the two.
"Come now, don't be sky, he doesn't bite." He said jokingly.
Wearily, I approached his Ilu standing opposite Aonung.
The little one turned its head to me, making a clicking sound that sounded similar to Aonung's earlier call.
"He likes you." He chuckles, "He barely tolerates me half the time."
"I wonder why." I said sarcastically.
He rolled his eyes, smiling softly.
I slowly reached my hand over to Atticus' head, the Ilu nudged my hand with its head playfully. I grinned, stroking the eager one's head.
"Tomorrow you'll have one to call your own." He remarked.
"I look forward to it." I said, following him back to shore.

"I enjoyed that, really." I said sincerely.
"Is that sincerity I hear?" He teased.
"Take it or leave it sea boy." I said going to turn my back.
"I'll take it this time forest girl." He laughed, following behind me back towards the village.
"May I ask something?"
"What changed? A mere few hours ago you seemed to not want to speak to me, now you want to be my friend. Not that I am complaining or anything."
He made eye contact me with, as though those ocean blue eyes stared into my soul, "In all honesty, I want to be nice. I am just usually not that nice to people."
I let out a breathy laugh, "If you say so, I will see you soon."
"Indeed, be prepared." He said laughing.
I bid him goodbye with a small smile.

He was certainly a unique character, I just wondered what his deal was. Especially with me.

Feels good to be back
- author out

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