Episode 8: Hearing the Heartbeat-The Battle for Trost (4)

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Trying to gain my old writing style back

    Jean stood motionless, watching as his comrades were devoured, the sick noises reaching him from the rooftop. 'Am I cut out for this? Can I handle a position with this much responsibility?' He worried spiraling, till he felt a hand softly clasp his shoulder. "Jean it'll be okay, We trust you." Y/n softly assured him, sending him a gentle smile, trying to get her comrade to calm down. He nodded absently before yelling out the their comrades.

    "Everyone! Move-in!" Jean screamed before running along the rooftops. 'There's the Jean we all know and love' Y/n thought with an impish smile. She shifted her bandages up higher so she could see and raised her blade, screaming as she followed her friend's lead.

    Running along the rooftops, she relished the wind flowing through her hair, The jumping from building to building reminded her of Shiganshina and a past she could no longer return to. After all, she had been the one to first see Armin from above when she was running on rooftops when they were kids.


    'Eren and Y/n had decided that instead of chores wandering around would be a much better idea, Mikasa had tagged along so neither of them would get in trouble.

    It had been Y/n who saw it first(from the rooftop she was practicing parkour on after she had proclaimed it was to be a better scout). A young blonde boy about their age getting a beat down from the local bullies. "Mikasa, Eren. Over here!" She yelled to her friends, quickly hopping down from the roof and onto a stack of boxes before leading the charge.

    She skidded around the corner losing her footing but just as quickly she scrambled to her feet as Eren and Mikasa caught up to her. They rounded the last corner and jumped into the fray. Eren got pummeled almost immediately, Mikasa took on the tallest with no problem, which left Y/n with one about her height.

    Having been friends with Eren for a while they had gotten into a fair amount of scuffles and fights so she knew how to make a kick hurt. "Aww don't ruin the fun, little maggots getting taught a less-" She had quickly cut the guy's speech off with a quick kick to the balls. She turned and crouched down, offering the strange boy her hand and a bright smile. "Are you okay?" She said observing him for wounds.

That day Armin could have sworn he saw an angel.'

Flashback ended

    She smiled fondly at the memory before refocusing on the goal ahead. "Charge!" She shrieked, enjoying the feeling of adrenaline as her comrades raced alongside her, determined to return to HQ. A titan leered at her, reaching out for her wires. 'Not so fast, I learned my lesson fucker' She cooed in her mind, quickly drawing both her wires back so she landed on the titan's head before springing off and swinging away.

    She quickly caught up to Jean only for him to be snatched out of the air by a titan, Jean being the little cockroach he is, refused to die and sliced himself free before landing on a roof with Y/n and Marco on either side of him. "Jean!" Marco called over the wind. "Huh?". Marco turned to him and smiled "Thanks! We only got out because of you! It's all thanks to you! I told you before, didn't I? You're cut out to be a leader!" Marco said cheerfully.

    "I gotta agree with the pretty boy, You make a damn good leader Jean. We'd all follow you into hell at this point" Y/n bellowed over the winds. The trio launched themselves off the roof. Y/n watched for any stray titans that would reach for her and was happy that none crossed her path. She quickly touched down on a roof knowing that she was fatally low on gas so she should probably start to conserve it about now.

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