Bunny's a Cat...

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HELLOOO PEEPSSS! I had this random burst of motivation for the past week to actually do something for once and in under seven days, I wrote this oneshot (that may not sound like an achievement, but that's a lot of work for my pea-sized brain). Btw, I'm still working on 'The Lock-In' so look out for the next chapter of that story. Anyway, I'm excited for you guys to read this, I honestly hope you like it! Enjoy!



Tori's POV

After learning yesterday that Sikowitz was all depressed because he was missing his ex's pet bunny, I had made a quick stop at the pet store on the way back from school. I bought the cutest looking rabbit I could find in the store, along with a small bag of rabbit food, and then made my way home.

Sikowitz was definitely going to love this.


When I arrived the next day at Hollywood Arts, I hastily brought the rabbit carrier to my locker, and carefully placed the bunny inside, leaving it enough food and water to last until the end of the school day.

"Okay, you be a good little bunny. I'll check up on you at lunch." I whispered to the brown furball, tucking the now-opened bag of rabbit food at the back of my locker.

After closing the door shut, I noticed the gang approaching.

"Hey guys." I waved, and a chorus of overlapping voices responded in return.

"Check this out!" I excitedly said, showing the group the carrier in my locker. They were all confused for the most part, as the bag was too dark to see the animal inside.

"And what the chiz is that?" Jade snarked, clearly unamused.

"It's a bunny for Sikowitz." I explained. At the mention of a bunny, the goth's face softened a little, but I brushed past that, and continued explaining the plan I had devised.

"Remember yesterday, when I told you guys about Sikowitz missing his girlfriend's rabbit?" I asked. The five of them nodded.

"Well, after school, I bought him a bunny. We'll give it to him, and it should get him back to normal, like before."

"You really think Sikowitz is just gonna accept this rabbit when you give it to him?" André asked.

"No...which is why we're gonna let him 'find' it." I smirked, miming a pair of air quotes.

"Wait, I'm not following." Cat responded.

"After last period, we'll wait for the school to empty out, and when Sikowitz is about to leave, we plant the rabbit somewhere that he'll definitely see it."

"Okay, and then what?" Beck asked, before I carried on.

"Once he finds the bunny, we all show up and encourage him to adopt it. So, you guys in?" I asked. The group all hesitantly nodded.



Once my last class of the day ended, and the bell rang, I hurried out of my seat and rushed to my locker. I swung open the metal door, and peered through the mesh of the carrier, seeing the rabbit munching on the last few chunks of food I had left for it.

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