A Rude Awakening

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! Not beta read. I was to excited to finally upload this !

Chapter 1: A rude Awakening


!! Injuries !!

~ TsukiYamaKage PoV ~

Yamaguchi woke up due to an unknown dread settling in his stomach. He was antsy and on edge but he did really know why. At first, he simply settled for nuzzling his nose deeper into the fabric of Kageyama's shirt, and while the Alpha's scent did calm him it wasn't enough for long. Grumbling silently under his breath the Omega climbed out of bed careful not to wake the others.

He snuck into the bathroom a bit disgruntled and tired with no end. He felt like he had been run over by a truck as if he was dead on his feet, which at 1:55 am wasn't all that surprising. He glared daggers at the clock as if that would somehow magically change the time to something more... comfortable.

He searched blindly for a cup he usually kept beside the sink but only managed to almost throw everything else to the ground. With a groan, he admired defeat and turned on that obnoxious light.

Almost immediately he was blinded by it and blinked rapidly while mumbling silent cures under his breath. To his dismay, he must have put the cup away and hadn't yet replaced it with a new one. A quiet distressed whine slipped passed his lips and his fingers ghosted over his arms in a subtle urge to dig them into the skin. Something wasn't right. Something was absolutely wrong. Like an itch lurking just under the surface.

His nails dug into the tender tissue and left crescent moon marks in their wake. The sharp sensation jolted through his system and brought him back to the present. Quickly he buried his fists into the fabric of his shirt and twisted them until they were wrapped in a save barrier. He knew how much his mates hated the marks of stress he carved into his skin if he wasn't careful.

In a weak attempt to calm himself, he breathed in deeply. It was... not really effective and he was quick to make his way toward the kitchen to finally get a glass of water and distract himself.
The glass was trembling in his hands as he filled it from the sink. While his hands were occupied his thoughts ran wild in search of the source causing his sudden discomfort

Lost in his own thoughts he didn't even notice Kageyama approaching and flinched violently when the Alpha suddenly touched his arm. Immediately his hand retracted and he looked at Yamaguchi in concern his eyes first widening, then narrowing in on the sight of his distressed Omega.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't notice you were awake... Did I wake you?" he mumbled nervously. Kageyama nodded slightly. "I'm really sorry..."

The Alpha frowned again and gently, much more careful than before, pulled him into his arms. Tadashi sighed in relief and gladly let his Alpha pet the tension away. He quickly placed the glass on the kitchen counter to move closer to Kageyama.

  "What happened?" Kageyama's voice was rough with sleep yet the underlying concern was evident.

  "I don't know." He sighed in exasperation, fed up with his own mind and anxiety. "I just woke up and everything felt off... like something isn't right or like something is missing."
At that Kageyama's head perked up. He seemed to remember what he originally wanted to ask. As his eyes lit up with understanding they started searching the room. A slight frown reappeared as he found it empty aside from them.

  "Tadashi, Where is Sho?"

Yamaguchi froze. His eyes widen slightly and even though he knew it was in vain he searched the room just like Kageyama had. But of course nothing. The orange hair was nowhere to be found.
The unsettling feeling he didn't know how to describe, like it was on the tip of his tongue but still too fleeting to be grasped finally fell into place. He couldn't feel Hinata anymore. There was no echo of the usually so strong emotions from the small spiker radiating from his neck.

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