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Chapter 2: Nightmare

! CW !
!! Trauma !!

... beep... beep ...beep.

The steady rhythmic sound of a machine emitting a high pitcher beeping to his right was the first thing tearing through the fog. It was as if he had been trapped in a white room, far away from everything when suddenly the sky above him broke.

The distant sound tore tiny little cracks into the white walls that grew and grew until they couldn't contain him anymore. Suddenly with every crack, the sound seemed to get louder growing more frantic as he rose through the surface.

His eyes fluttered open being met with a piercing white light, blinding him so that for a moment he couldn't help but think he was back in that white room surrounded by nothing but blissful emptiness. Locked away from everything that might harm him, from the cold and rain, slicing like blades, the bitter metallic scent of blood... vicious red...

He blinked rapidly as he tried to put the memories into an order that made sense. The light that had been so piercing before turned out to be nothing more than a small lamp on a plain nightstand next to a big white bed, with white sheets and a white railing. Attached to his skin were weird gray patches connected to cables and linked to a monitor that showed a row of numbers and odd lines in different colors. It was also the source of the obnoxious beeping that had torn him from the white room.

He tried to sit up only for the world to go blurry and sway before his eyes. He could feel his head spinning and tears dripping from his eyes. Confused the Omega lifted his hand. A sudden discomfort rushed up his arm and through his blurred vision, he saw that something was attached to his hand as well.

He blinked again his eyes narrowing as he tried to figure out what the thin tube was for. It was attached by some kind of tape and filled with a clear liquid. It took forever until his brain provided him with the proper word. It was an IV. The liquid was medicine slowly being injected directly into his veins.

If he were to guess it was probably some form of sedative. He doubted that he would have been this calm otherwise.
His brain was still fuzzy and he was lacking context. Why was he here and more importantly how did he get here? Did something happen? Where were his mates?

He tried feeling for the familiar echo at his neck but nothing. His hand fell back on the sheets and his eyes strayed toward the ceiling. It was white. White like the room he had been in. A calming white that washed everything away and left him numb.

The beeping next to his ear slowly calmed again as the first shock of waking up in what must be a hospital room passed. He knew that he should be terrified given the prospect that he was lacking a distinct timeframe in his memory and could not sense his mates anywhere near him but it was as though his emotions were still locked behind an invisible barrier. As though the visible, conscious barriers of the white room fell but those keeping the horrors at bay still stand.

It should have concerned him. His eyes strayed over to the tube with the clear liquid again suspecting it to be responsible for his current state but feeling neither worry nor the urge to change it.

He observed the drops falling in peace for a while, hypnotized by the steady motion... When suddenly...
Red tainted his vision. The sound of strong pouring rain hitting the ground with force filled his ears and the nauseating scent of iron and copper stained the air.

It was only for a brief moment until he was back in the hospital room staring at the drops of a clear liquid falling into a tube connected to his veins. The beeping that had been so steady before grew frantic before slowly returning to the steady rhythm from before. He hadn't even noticed that his throat tightened and new tears were spilled. Confused he tried to wipe them away but the moment he touched the drops he was back on that street.

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