Season 3 episode 11 (I Ain't a Judas)

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(He's so pale 👁️🫦👁️)

The sound of a gun cocking hurt my ears slightly "we're not leaving." Rick said "we can't stay here." Hershel replied "what if there's another sniper? A wood pallet won't stop one of those rounds." Maggie stated "we can't even go outside." Beth added "not in the daylight." Carol corrected "R-Rick says we're not running, we're not running." Glenn shouts "no, better to live like rats." Merle said from behind the door "you got a better idea?" Rick asked "yeah, we should have slid out of here last night and lived to fight another day but we lost that window, didn't we?" Merle's voice boomed out "I'm sure he's got scouts on every road out of this place by now." He adds "we ain't scared of that prick." Daryl says as he walked closer to Merle from upstairs "y'all should be. That truck through the fence thing, that's just him ringing the door bell. We might have some thick walls to hide behind, but he's got the guns and numbers. If he takes the high ground around this place- shoot, he could just starve us out if he wanted to." Merle said "let's put him in the other cell block." Maggie said as I cleaned my swords "no. He's got a point." Me and Daryl said, I looked up at Daryl surprised "this is all you, you started this." Maggie shouted turning to Merle. I turned to Maggie surprised "what difference whose fault it is? What do we do?" Maggie asked going to the top of the stairs and staring down "I said we should leave, now axels dead. We can't just sit here." Hershel said, I glared at him 'he shouldn't be bringing Axel up, too early.' I thought as Rick moved toward Merle Hershel stood up. I covered my ears as Hershel shouts "get back here!" He started hobbling over, I uncover my ears "your slipping Rick. We've all seen it and understand why but now is not the time. You once said this isn't a democracy, now you have to own up to that. I put my family's life on your hands so get your head clear and do something." Hershel states. Everyone was silent, we all knew Rick was thinking, we didn't know what he was thinking about but we knew he was thinking.

I sat down on my bed and stared at the pocket watches both of them, I heard Carl's footsteps so I quickly put them around my neck and hid them underneath my shirt. I tensed at the cold feeling of the metal hitting my skin "y/n, earlier today-" he was cut off by the sound of Michonne calling my name. I glanced behind Carl then at him "we can talk later" he said making a line with his mouth, I nod and walk out 'no we won't, I'll procrastinate for as long as I can.' I thought as I went down the stairs "y/n." Michonne started "come with me." I nodded and followed her.

We stopped in a hall "listen, I know you hate talking about problems wether it involves you or not but somethings it's better to rip off like a band aid. You need to communicate with the group." She advised "fancy coming from you." I retorted "hey!- just try to talk things out rather than procrastinating." He said as she sighed and walked back. I trailed behind her slightly angry. By the time we stepped foot back in with the others I caught a glance of firefly and Carl stopping their conversation to look at us "remember-" I cut Michonne off "don't pull the 'communication is key' bullshit on me." I said as I glared at her and walked off, I could hear her sigh again as my footsteps echoed through my ears.

I looked at Daryl as he laid back on his bed in his cell his full attention on his crossbow and arrows, I was gonna say something but nothing came out. Before I could walk away he called out "if you have something to say, spit it out." I looked at him through the corner of my eye and shook my head before walking away. I wanted to tell him. I wanted to tell him something so bad but I just didn't know what, my brain didn't know but my mouth did, I was scared to get attached to him again only for him to leave again. I heard Carl in our cell so I went downstairs and sat in the corner hugging my knees and leaning my head against the wall to my right. I started chewing on the skin of my lips, I was nervous and didn't know what to do or how to help the group, I felt useless.

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