Chapter 2

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A few months later I got in contact with my mom. I never met her because she left in fear of my abusive father. They went to court for weeks and finally she got custody of me. I know she didn't mean to leave me all by myself in that hell hole. She was just terrified. And I ran away just like her.

As we pull up to my new house I'll be living in, I just stare at it. Its crazy. But who wouldn't expect a crappy house on the south side of Chicago.

I walk into the house and go down a long narrow hallway. I go into the first bedroom I see, it's full of bags of weed and who knows what else. Well at least I now know my mom's a druggy. I go into the room and take two bags full of weed. I'm sure she won't miss them;)

I then search for a room that doesn't have drugs in it and set down my bag. I don't have many things so I didn't even need to unpack. I go downstairs and see my mother. She's quite beautiful. Its weird tho because we never even really talk. As I was about to walk outside the door. I realize I don't even know anyone around here. So I go back upstairs and grab a bag of weed. I go into the room full over drugs to find some paper or a pipe. I scrimmage through everything and finally find some paper to roll some joints. Since it's fall and rainy outside,I grab one of my mom's jackets and put the weed and paper on the inside of the jacket. I find a beanie and put that on too. As I walk down the steps of my new home, I see a boy across the street. He's directly across the street from me. I can tell he's just looking straight into my eyes. I feel a bit uncomfortable and loose eye contact with him. I walk down the stairs and just decide to go look around and find a dry place to roll some joints. As I'm walking down the street, I feel like someone is stairing at me. And as I turn around no ones there, but when I look forward a boy is standing inches away from me. Its the same boy who was stairing at me just moments ago on the steps of his house. I'm about to scream but he put his hand over my mouth and put his finger up to his mouth to tell me not to scream. I nod in response. He takes his hand off of my mouth. I can smell his hot minty breath. I break the silence and say "Do you need something?". He just keeps staring at me. "I need a lot of things." He says with a deep voice.

"My names Carl." He says with a smirk on his face.

"Well uh hi, my names ha-". I get cut of by him saying "Hayden. I know. Your mom told me and my family about you before you got here."

"Oh. Well that's cool I guess." I sound so awkward, he just laughs.

I blush a little but then I realize there's no reason to be awkward. I'm glad my mom told some people about me so I wouldn't be a total loser.

"Well I got a bag of weed in my jacket and some paper. Wanna roll some?" I say showing him a little peek of the bag through my jacket. He smirks again. Oh how I love that fucking smirk of his...

"Hell yah. Come with me." He grabs my hand and leads me back to his house. As we go inside I see a lot people, I'm guessing his family.

A girl with dark brown wavy hair comes up to me and says "you must be hayden, your mom told us you just moved in with her from....?" She didn't say the last part because she probably wanted me to say since she forgot. "California" I say quickly. Everyone looks at me in awe like they just saw a ghost. "What..?" I say in confusion "that's across the whole fucking country dude" a kid with ginger hair says. "I know." I giggle a little and Carl introduces me to everyone and then we go upstairs.

We walk into his room and I just stand there for a second. "Well. Take it out." He says with a smile. I nod in response and we start rolling joints on his bunk bed. Once we finish I put a joint in between my lips. "Fuck." I say under my breath. Carl hears me and says "forgot a lighter...?" As he says that he takes out his and lights the end of mine for me. I inhale and then exhale out the smoke. Man this weed was dank.

I giggled a little "Thanks." I say to Carl as he lights the end of his. He takes a huge hit and be blows it all in my face. I giggle as all the smoke hits my face. I rub my eyes and once I open them I see Carl there looking at me. It was weird though. It was a strange look. He was looking at me from my toes to my head. "What are you lookin at?" I say to him with a red face. He immediately says ""just saving a mental image for my spank bank later." He winks at me and I blush a little. "You know... your real cute you know that Hayden?" He says to me with a smirk. I blush really hard and look away so he wouldn't see. But it was too late and he turned my face back to his. We stared each other in the eyes. I then brought the joint to my lips and inhale all the fumes. Before I exhaled I opened his mouth and slowly let all the smoke roll out of my mouth into his. He then blew it out after a few seconds in front of us. He looks back at me with sparkle in his eyes and says "Damn.. I've known you less than an hour and I'm already starting to like you." He smiles at me. "Me too"

We just smoke our joints until they're all gone. We meet eyes a few times and then blush. As he was finishing up his last few hits he had on his joint , he hopped down from the bed and went into a drawer with all of his clothes in it. He went to the very bottom and brought out a bottle of vodka. My eyes widened as he took the cap off and took a gulp. By the time he handed me the bottle I was done with my joint so I just flicked it onto the ground. I took a sip of it and tasted its wonderful flavor on my taste buds.

We ended up drinking the whole bottle. We just started to laugh. I could feel then bags under my eyes forming. He looked at me, "tired..?" Is all he said. I nodded in response. "Do you wanna sleep here?" He asked politely. "Yah I'm to lazy to go all the way across the street, and plus your bed looks so Damn comfy." I put my hand on the.bed and stroke it back and forth like petting a dog. He laughs and looks at me. Our eyes meet and he just smiles. "Well I'll take Ian's bed. And you can sleep on my comfy bed." He says as he's getting down from the bed. I reach out and grab his hand and gestured him it was alright to sleep with me. He nodded and got into the bed with me. We got under the covers and he rapped his arm around me. I realized we were spooning. It was so adorable.

I can't believe it. I've already fallen for this kid.

Here's a longer chapter for you guys:) hopefully they will get longer and longer but also please tell me what you think about this chapter I'm really proud of it lol

The Boy Across the Street// Carl GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now