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The lights were flashing pink, blue & orange hues, water was splashing on everyone near the pool, the music was giving the best vibes, and the alcohol was giving everyone confidence. "this could be us but you playing" the music played This Could Be Us By Rae Sremmurd. Rafe & Topper we're out on the patio selling "yayo" & doing coke as per use for the kook prince. I'm sure Kelce ended up in the mix with them also the usual. I was inside associating and conversating with anyone he spoke to me, I have friends that I'm close with but anyone else are just associates and half of them I don't even know.

"Hey Y/N." I heard a oddly familiar voice, I turned to face the voice & no other than Luke Fisher. Luke, another kook, another summer fling, whatever. Luke and I were supposed to only be a summer fling but he wanted more than that & my mind was in other places it ended with screaming & gaslighting "Luke." I coldly respond "What's up pretty?" He grabbed my chin to look up at him, I knew what he was doing. I pulled his hand away "Don't touch me, Luke."  He scoffed and then took a sip of his punch "Why do you do that to me?" He looked at me & continued "Why is it EVERYTIME I turn around some guy is talking about getting their hand on you, hm?"

& then
"Y/N, come to the back. Rafe's looking for you." Kelce approached and looked hesitant once he saw Luke infront of me "Aye, everything good?"
From behind Kelce "Bro, this shit taste like bananas." Topper laughed & then looked between the three of Kelce, me & Luke. "Man, what do you want from her. She dosent want you man cmon move on." Top said to Luke, immediately Kelce said to Fisher "Just leave man, it's best for you."  I could tell Topper was high & drunk off of god knows what, I'll deal with that in the morning "it's fine, let's get back to Rafe." I looked at the summer fling "Luke. You need to leave." I knew I had to say something I honestly didn't want any fights tonight. I squeezed myself between Kelce & Topper and we all walked out the the back patio where everyone was drinking & swimming and what not.

Once I was in the Princes sight "Y/N, Y/N, Come here & tell me this shit doesn't taste like bananas" he slurred with a smile and breathy laugh, Oh god was i gonna have a mess to take care of tomorrow I thought to myself. I walked over to the lines Rafe was talking about "Get the fuck up so she can sit." He said to the blonde next to him, she scoffed and got up taking her red cup filled to the brim with alcohol. I almost second thought taking the lines but I needed a minute to be stress free "Cmon, don't be scared princess." Rafe said to me when I looked to the side of me, I quickly snorted the lines as if this was what I did casually, I did it like a pro and the second that powder hit, I felt better than ever. "Fuckkk" I threw my head back. I didn't even pay attention to the taste of supposed bananas.. Rafe laughed out loud at my reaction and got all hyped his hand slid on my thigh and up barely under my skirt. He took a drink from his cup and started talking to other kooks around us, his hand remaining on my thigh. I started to doze off right then and there out on the patio with warmth next to me and being relaxed from the few beers & lines of coke I had but a voice startled me, a voice in my ear whispering "Let's go upstairs, princess."

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