Lovesick! Arven x reader!!

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So this is actually so long im really sorry abt that but I hope you like it anyways? I swear the other ones won't be as long! Let me know if I've made any mistakes cause there's definitely plenty of those.

Y/N (P.O.V)

I sighed as I made my way down the long hallways of Uva/Naranja academy. It had already been a long enough day with all of those stupid finals and I was about to take another. I had, luckily, aced all of them, but I was exhausted from cramming all week long. Going on one hour of sleep a night with a 8 hour school day was not all that simple.

I walked into my home economics classroom, breathing in the smell of freshly baked bread made by the teacher, Mr. Saguaro. He smiled and handed me a packet filled with the things we had been learning since the midterms a while back. I gave him a weak smile in return and started walking to my seat. I glanced over to Arven and waved at him once his gaze caught mine. He waved back and smiled with energy, obviously ready for this test. 

(Spoilers in this next paragraph!!)

It had been a while since we had destroyed his fathers Time Machine. Even with his newfound confidence, he had confessed to me how sad he actually was because of his passing and me and him had begun talking on a daily basis. I helped him cope. I felt bad for not saying anything when we first found out but I was also really shocked at the turn of events. I mean, who knew that his father had been an AI for years now?

(Okay ur good now)

We were truly good friends now. Maybe I wanted it to be more than our simple friendship, but this was fine for now. That's when he got up and walked over to me with concern written on his face.

"Jeez, Y/N... Are you alright? You don't seem all that chipper today." He said tilting his head. I looked up at him tiredly and smiled "Yeah I'm okay. I was just up all week crammin'. You know how it goes..." I said while taking out my mechanical pencil. He nodded and put his hand on my shoulder, gaining my attention "Yeah, but get some sleep tonight. We have 2 weeks off for Christmas this week, remember?" My eyes widened and I looked up at him "What? That's this week? I thought it started on the 23rd?" I said confused. He chuckled "Y/N... It's the 22nd." My brow furrowed and I looked on the board. "December, 22nd..." I read aloud. I suddenly found a new burst of energy, my tiredness leaving. "Yes! Im gonna sleep my butt off!" I said happily. Arven chuckled as the bell rang, initiating that class was about to start. "Good luck!" He said walking back to his seat.

I went through the test quickly, with adrenalin running through my veins. But I guess everything has price to pay. I got up and handed my paper to Mr, Saguaro, and sat back down, which is when it hit me.

My energy from before completely left my body, and the tiredness punched me in the face. I felt my eyes being tugged shut, as it was genuinely difficult for them to stay open. I put my arms on the desk for support, and leaned my head on them. I was bolted upright when the loud bell rang out telling us that it was time for 9th period. I got up and grabbed my bag, naturally walking at Arvens side. 

He looked at me sympathetically "Somehow you look even worse. Are you okay?" He asked. I shrugged "Im just, like, reeeealy tired, ya know?" I said looking at him. "I do know, you look it." He said. I glared at him "Heeey, what's that supposed to mean?" I said. "A-ah nothing bad! I- I just meant that- well! Nothing bad by it!" He panicked before looking at me once again "Why are you acting so... loopy?" He asked. "Cuz' im tireddd!" I laughed. He looked at me like I was crazy before putting an arm around me "C'mon, let's get this last period over and then you're going to your dorm." He said. I laughed "Well duh, that's where I always go!"

Arven (P.O.V)

We walked into art, luckily one of  Y/N's easiest subject, and grabbed a packet of the finals each from the teacher. I made sure to sit next to her, as to keep an eye on her. She was acting weird for sure, I've never seen her this out of character. Normally she stayed quiet unless asked a question by someone.