Rika X Fem! Reader

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Omg literally Rika is sooo fine I was soooo happy when I got a request! Anyways I hope you enjoy  it guys!!! Also I'm not completely sure on what Rika's age is so lets just say she's around our age.

Rika (POV)

I smiled, my heart warming as I watched Y/N victor in yet another tournament. She smiled, giving her Ace Pokemon a high five with their tail, then returning it to its pokeball. Nemona ran over to her beaming "Ahh, Y/N you never fail to amaze me!" She started. I walked over, joining their conversation "Indeed. I swear you gave me such a relief when you answered those questions right on the first try! I mean, they're just questions!" I said patting the shy girls shoulder. She blushed "You're too kind..."

"Ladies and gentleman, I have an important announcement!" Clavell boomed into the mic. I tuned my attention to the smiling man. He's changed so much since Y/N came. He cared so much for everyone, especially Y/N. He even gave all of the students counseling sessions at least once a month. 'Y/N really is amazing...' I thought smiling a bit.

"Since it is almost the end of the school year, I wanted to start throwing an annual festival, with games and rides and such, held in Area 1. All are welcome, 10 dollars for admission. More info will be posted on our schools website- thingy? And around the school! Thank you Y/N for the wonderful matches yet again, and have a good night everyone!" I shook my head. What was this man thinking? 

Well, admittedly its wasn't an awful idea. The school AND the league had more money than anyone knew what to do with, not to mention the loads and loads of LP points. No wonder no one noticed Penny taking 20-30,000 points at one time, the total amount wasn't even scratched! Which is another, unspoken, reason she got off without much of a punishment.

I glanced at Y/N who was smiling, lost in thought. My vision went over to Arven and Nemona, looking terribly flustered. I listened in on their conversation "Y-yeah sure amigo! I'll go to the festival with you!" I smirked "Ohh~" I said to myself.

I heard Y/N scoff from in front of me "Jeez, 'bout time he did something about their little 'situationship'. It was driving me nuts! Nemona with her little flirty comments and Arven with his-" She cut herself off suddenly realizing I was listening with slight surprise. "Wow Y/N, I never thought YOU of all people would have that kinda' sass!" She laughed sheepishly "Who could blame me? Im sick of being the 3rd wheel." She rolled her eyes and glanced at them, sighing defeatedly "But... as long as their happy I guess..." She smiled.

My heart started to hurt ever so slightly and my pale cheeks became rosy, if I had to guess. I smiled and took Y/N's hand, not completely sure what I was about to do. She looked at me with slight confusion, and smiled at me in a questioning manner, tilting her head ever so slightly "Y/N, would you like to go to the festival with me?" I asked, surprising even myself with the words. 

"M-me?" She squeaked out, a flustered looking plastering her face. I laughed "Who else would I be talking to silly?" She looked down and shrugged 'I unno... But, um, yes! Yes I-I would love to." She smiled. My mouth parted slightly and I suddenly grew happy, and smiled "Great! Its a date then?" I asked. Her shyness shown out of her and she stumbled on her words "Y-yes of c-course! I- um! must be going now! T-thank you for asking me out, heaven knows I never would have..." She mumbled the last part to herself, but my ears still caught up on it. I laughed "Anytime, hon." She let out another weird squeak and laughed nervously, sliding away, then bolting towards the dorms she went.

I then realized what I had just done. I just... asked out Y/N? I like her? I had no clue! But im definitely not mad about it. Why would I be? She was so cool! She grew far stronger than anyone here within a few months! Quite the accomplishment. Not to mention she was smart as hell, full marks in all of her classes, except math, which was a 85 she had told me. I smiled fondly over our late night phone calls, talking about random whatever's that were going on. I couldn't help but want to learn more about her after she defeated me with such ease it almost hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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