Nemona X Reader!!

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Nemona (P.O.V)

My heart stopped as I returned my last Pokemon into its ball. I covered my eyes, tears starting to well up. She did it. The first one ever to beat me at my full potential. She's so... amazing.

I felt the tension as everyone watched me in suspense. I couldn't look up, not just yet. Id probably squeeze her to death in a bear hug. Deep breath in... out.

"You..." I started, feeling her soft eyes on me. Finally I grinned and couldn't hold my excitement anymore "YOU DID IT!!" I said going up and down on my tippy toes "This is legit incredible! You're the strongest out there, Y/N!" I yelled, as she looked at me, surprise written all over her flushed face. "I mean, you knocked me flat!" I shouted, jumping over to greet her "I was giving you absolutely everything I had!" I said, clenching my fists just above my chest, while excitement still ran through my veins. "Everything i..." I sneezed my eyes shut, not being able to take it.


She looked at me wondrously, as I threw my head back.

"Ha haaa! Hahaha!" I looked back at her and cocked my head to the side for a moment "Pokemon battling, am I right?" She smiled and I couldn't help but grin even wider "Its so much better- so much more fun than I ever even knew!" I put my arms down to my sides, looking at Y/N, who was smiling up at me. I faltered a bit, seeing how pretty she was in the lights of the square. I shook myself out of it and smiled, holding out my hand for her to take "Thanks for the incredible match. You beat me for real this time!" I said cocking my head again.

She looked at my hand and smiled wider, before taking it. I felt my heart race and my cheeks flared up a bit. I was no idiot like some people, I knew exactly what I was feeling. And even as everyone started clapping around us, I could only focus on her and her pretty face. Her E/C eyes shone and sparkled with determination and admiration. And she stared right back at me, her cheeks tinted red. She squeezed my hand and gave me a look. "Thank you..." She whispered.

I smiled, wanting nothing more than another battle with her and only her "Now lets give ourselves a minute and have a quick break, Y/N..." I started, glancing at my arm band, then back at her. I threw my hand out towards her, which held a Pokeball with my ace Pokemon "Before round two!" I exclaimed. She stepped back in surprise, as the headmaster and La Primera shook their heads "Which Pokemon should I bring out this time? Decisions, decisions!" I pondered, raising my team up in the air.

(AHH THIS SCENE THOUGH- It had me kicking my lil feet cause it was so cute!)

That was weeks ago, before we had gone into the great crater. My heart soared as I watched Y/N battle in the tournaments finals, giving it her all. Beads of sweat fell down her face as she called her final move on La Primeras ace Pokemon.

 (Ik you maybe don't have this Pokemon but i'm just gonna use the Pokemon and move I did for this moment)

She grinned "Lucario, use close combat and finish her off!" She shouted, throwing her hand out as if she was using the move. Lucario looked at the opposing Glimmora and sneered, before rushing forward with unmatched speed, hitting the terastlized Pokemon with such power, I started at Y/N, her smiling face knowing she already won. I admired her more than anything. I loved her more than anything. If only I could just tell her...

Glimmora was then returned back to the pokeball, and Y/N had a quiet celebration to herself "Yes!" She whispered, pumping her fist down happily, smiling at the pokeballs on her hip.

She looked around nervously, as she had noticed the silence among everyone. My heart burst and I couldn't contain my excitement "YESSS!! Go Y/N!" I shouted, jumping up and down excitedly, as everyone joined in with me. "U-unbeleavable ladies and gentlemen! And thus the strongest trainer in the whole academy is... Champion Y/N!" I smiled excitedly, still sad about not being able to compete, but being so happy for Y/N "WOOOOOOO!" I shouted "Y/N you did it! You DID it!" I said, still not quite believing it. She looked at me and smiled brightly, She looked like she was about to say something, when Clavell started a speech.

After the speech, everyone went off to their dorms for the long 4 day weekend. I ran up to Y/N, who was looking around, most likely for me, which made my heart soar. "Y/N! Congratulations! Im so proud of you." I said, taking her hands in mine. Her face flushed and she smiled "Nemona, that means so much to me. You know-" She was cut off by several people talking about her rather loudly from across the battlefield. She rubbed the back of her neck "Um... Do you wanna go on a walk?" She asked, initiating that she needed a more quiet place to talk. I smiled and took her right hand and walked off "Yup, of course! Lets go."

We walked the peaceful streets of the big city, looking in the windows and enjoying each others company. "You were saying?" I asked softly. She smiled at the ground, embarrassed. "Well... at the beginning of this journey, I wasn't really focused on finding my treasure, y'know? I wanted to become a good trainer, and help everyone. Which I did! But I think while doing all that, I found the thing I wasn't even meant to be finding..." She trailed off. I smiled, sadly almost "Your treasure..." She nodded and looked away "Its so... embarrassing but-" She turned her head to me. By now we stopped walking and were in a secluded area of the town. 

She faced me and smiled "I think that- no. I KNOW that... YOU have been my treasure. All along...!" She said looking at our intertwined hands. I smiled and grabbed her face, cupping her cheeks "You mean it?!" I asked. She giggled, making my stomach do loops "Yes of course! If it wasn't for you... well Arceus knows where id be now. Certainly not here though." She put her hands over mine, which were still sat on her warm face "Nemona, you have no idea how much you mean to me. I can't begin thank you enough. But I can definitely try, so..." She stood on her tippy toes and pressed her pink lips to my nose, coming back down and smiling "Thank you."

She smiled at me as if nothing happened, but my heart stopped, and my face was frozen with shock and I felt as if I was gonna puke, in the best way keep in mind! She looked up at me, nervously waiting for my reaction. I smiled and covered my obviously red face, looking down at her embarresed "W-well y'know...." 

I took a deep breath. Keep yourself together Nemona! I looked back down at her nervous face and smiled "You've done so much for me too, Y/N. You made one of the most important things to me even better. You put me at a different view point, which no one else could do! And the fact that you are thanking me of all people is just nuts because I should be thanking you, and I'll spend the rest of my life doing so. Y/N- You are my treasure too. My greatest treasure. I love you." I said leaning down and kissing her head and coming back up to look at the beautiful girl in front of me. She looked at me with her mouth open and her cheeks red. I smiled and started laughing "Your so funny." I said, taking her hands in mine again. 

She grinned at me and suddenly wrapped her arms around my waist. I yelped in surprise, soon returning the gesture and holding her head close to my heart. I smiled determined. People are supposed to protect their treasure, and that's just what i'm going to do.

1348 words

See? I told you I would make them shorter! I wrote this in an hour and a half so I hope it's not too awful! Also how did I get 7 reads within a night? That's crazy! Thank you guys! I'll be posting more maybe tomorrow if I get to it? I have dance tonight so we'll see! Anyways yeah love you byeeeee!