Penny X Reader!

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(Also I realized that I hadn't said but I do X fem reader unless there's a request for anything different than that so definitely reach out! Ill probably do x male readers too in time tho sooo yeah)

Penny (P.O.V)

I sighed as Nemona pulled me down the corridors of Uva/Naranja academy. "Is this really necessary? I can walk by myself you know!" I said, trying to pull my arm away.

She looked back at me and grinned "Yes I know! But then you would just walk off and there's no way I would allow you to do that! Besides, don't you wanna have a sleepover with your BEST friends?" She asked, still pulling me around. I rolled my eyes "Fine fine but only cause Y/N's gonna be there." 

She grinned and winked at me for some reason before letting go and starting to run. I groaned and ran off after her. She was like a child, needing to be watched over at all times.

Finally we were standing in front of Y/N's dorm room. Nemona was about to knock "Wait!" I hissed. She looked at me on confusion "Yeah? What's up?" I covered my mouth in embarrassment "Do I- look okay?" I asked nervously. She looked at me and then started grinning "Ohhh? Yes you look great Penny! But- please. Don't take my word for it!" She said turning back to the door. I grew worried "W-what do you me-" She started banging on the door and my face heated up "Nemona no-" 

The door opened and we were met with a very uncommon sight of Y/N in clothing other than the uniforms. Baggy sweatpants with a cropped t-shirt was what it consisted of. I blushed a little, even if it was just indoor sleep clothing. She smiled at us "Y/N! Tell me, does Penny not look awesome all the time?" She asked, gesturing towards me. I grew flustered "Nemona! Y/N you don't have to-" She laughed "Oh of course she does! What kinda question is that?"

I stopped and looked at her, letting my bangs cover my eyes "See Penny? Y/N thinks you're pretty!" She exclaimed, ushering us back inside the small bedroom, while we took our shoes off, leaving them at the door. I grew flustered and covered one of my cheeks bashfully. Y/N laughed "Yeah obviously! Was that not established? You're literally a Pretty Penny! That's your name in my phone." She said, her cheeks pink.

I blushed and couldn't stop myself from smiling "That... means a lot." I said looking at her. "T-thanks..." I trailed off. Suddenly a knock was heard on the door, making me and Y/N jump a bit. "Ah- that must be Arven." She said, walking over to the door and opening it, and in came Arven. 

Truth be told, I didn't dislike Arven, in fact quite the opposite. He's my friend. But his overconfidence was very annoying at times. And, embarrassingly enough, I just didn't like how protective he was over Y/N. I was the one protecting her! Or at least trying to. Im not exactly good with friends and such. Why did his protectiveness bother me anyways?

"Y/N! Hi! Could I use your kitchen to make dinner?" He asked, walking in with Y/N. She smiled and nodded "Yes of course! I love your cooking." She said, walking over to her queen sized bed and flopping down.

"Thanks so much! And-" he finally seemed to notice out presence "Ah- hi Penny. Pest." He said, looking over to Nemona. She smiled "The one and only!" He rubbed the back of his neck, blushing slightly. 'Huh?' I wondered. Thats odd. Why was he embarrassed? He didn't do anything embarrassi...

Oh, wait.

I studied this features as he stood in front of Nemona. The blush, the way he moved side to side every so slightly, his finger scratching his cheek lightly and the unsure look on his face on weather he should smile or not. I smiled wickedly and he looked over to me, noticing the amusement coursing through me. I raised my eyebrows letting him know he had been caught.

His face turned redder and he stuttered "W-well I- im gonna um- start... dinner now! Mhm! Yup. Nothing weird here." He said, rushing over to the small kitchen. Nemona smiled "Let me help you!" She exclaimed, running over. I smiled even wider and he glared at me "U-um. okay... knock yourself out..."