If you see anyone being harassed online, report it as soon as possible. If you are being harassed online, report it as soon as possible. You are not alone.
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Up here, you will see an individual using the word autistic as a slur. This person claims that the other person looks autistic, so it must be true.
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Here, the bullies compare the victim to the disabled children in the picture. They also tell the person to hang themselves. The attackers acknowledge that the rules of the server state no slurs are allowed, including the n word with -ga or -ger, the r word, etc. They purposely ignore this.
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This is a meme. They are calling the said person a nerd, which is not a bad thing, but is supposed to hurt in this context. This is not meant to be a real gift.
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They use the r word again.
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You might be confused. Here, they edited the victim's comments to spell the n word slur and make them look bad. As a joke. One of them spammed the n word in another channel. They would not really care if someone else used it repeatedly. And I do mean repeatedly.
There are people saying that racism is not real, or that it is gone now. There are others saying that bullying is just kids messing around. "Boys will be boys."
If this is typical and acceptable behavior, then why is someone else getting hurt? Why have we taught children to not use these words, especially not in the wrong context such as retarded and autistic. Please research what autism is. You will find out that it is a spectrum and that it is not synonymous with mental retardation. No one chooses to have a mental, neurological or learning impairment. No one chooses to be black. (By the way, the victim is not black. I do not know the race of the attackers. That is not important.)
People do choose to bully others. This is what happens when a server is moderated poorly. One of these individuals is a moderator:
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That is how the staff responds. When the victim tells the staff to be professional, one of the staff members reply with skull emojis. They are "dying laughing".
If you are a parent reading this: one of these things are likely:
* Your kid is being bullied. It could be online or in person. They might have been pushed, called names or shunned, or had their personal belongings damaged or stolen from them. They didn't tell you because they didn't think you would care, or they knew you would care, but they assumed that nothing could be done about it, and they didn't want to bother you with it. This is actually a very common reason and is not a good enough reason to stay silent. But they don't know that. They are hurting right now. They think it's better this way.
* Your kid is a bully. They are calling someone else ugly, fat, retarded, a slut or they are doxing them on the internet. Or, they are sharing memes related to this person's supposed flaws and failures and waiting to see if the victim just leaves or tries to defend themselves, only to fail and get laughed at more. This person is reveling in someone else's pain. It's possible that something going on at home is bothering them. You need to talk to this child. Their pain matters, but not enough that this behavior is okay. This is not the best that they can do, and they are most likely aware of that. They need a stern reminder.
* Or, your kid did not bully anyone or get bullied, but they were present and did not do anything. They did not report it, tell the bullies to stop or offer a kind ear to the victim. They pretended it did not happen. It did not happen to them, so they did not care enough to do anything. Maybe they didn't know what to do. But they did not ask an adult like you, to help them. It's possible that they did not want the bullies to start picking on them, so they played dead. Standing with people when they are having a hard time is the only thing that we can do when the people in charge don't want to do anything! All we can do is remind them that is temporary and that what they are going through is not something that they earned or deserved.
Many victims blame themselves. Let's stop pointing fingers and focus more on prevention.
I got permission from the victim in these screenshots to post this online, in hopes that someone could remind them that if the Discord moderators won't do anything, someone will.
One more thing, this is the finishing touch. They had another chance to apologize:
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These three individuals are one of the millions of youths that find this behavior amusing. Stop online harassment.