Part 1:The Journey Begins!

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In the quiet town of Emerald Meadow, the sun was slowly beginning to set beyond the horizon, shades of pink, purple, pastel oranges, and yellows giving out their final glow for the day. Nestled in this small peaceful town, an average cream-colored house lays peacefully, a picket fence surrounding it, protecting the bed of flowers laying at the front of the house.

Inside we see a familiar blue hedgehog, the years seemingly having treated him well as his fur was still its ever-shining royal blue, his muzzle still its pristine peach color. He quickly stumbled up the stairs, his boundless energy ever present as he chuckles to himself, laughing as he almost stumbles on the last step, yet as always he catches himself at the last second.

At the top of the staircase, he dusts himself and smiles, walking past the familiar pictures plastered on the hallways walls, the memories flooding in as he takes in each one.

Finally, he makes it to his destination, the door already opened a tiny sliver, enough for him to peek inside.

Noticing they're both in the room he pushes the door open, content as his two favorite people notice him, jumping out of their respective bunk beds to greet him.

"Hey, papa!"

The hedgehog pushes the door fully open to walk in, scooping up his son in his arms, his don giggling as he's lifted up into the air, "Hey, kiddoes, ready to get to bed?"

His son, timid and kind, shook his head "yes" while his daughter, who was too much like him in terms of stubbornness, did the opposite.

"But papa, you promised us a story before bed remember?!"

Sonic rubbed his chin. He did recall promising that at the dinner table, although he had agreed involuntarily, as he had zoned out of the conversation while he was eating his spouse's famous chilidogs.

Well, I've told them every story I know, what else is there to tell?

As Sonic held his head, lost in thought, the sudden squeak of his son's Azurill, who was sitting on the top bunk, startles him back to reality, an idea forming in his head.

It was finally time to tell them his most exciting story.

"You guys wanna know the story of how I became the champion?"

Both their mouths gaped at the suggestion and as Sonic set his son down on his bed his daughter finally spoke up.

"You're finally gonna tell us that story!?" his daughter asked, clearly excited as she settled into her bed on the bottom bunk.

"Well, your tenth birthday is coming up so soon, I figured you should know something about Pokemon before you go all out there," Sonic commented although the thought alone made him sad at the fact his daughter would leave soon.

Sonic hummed, "You know now that I think about it, this story includes how you're ol' parents got together, which I'm surprised neither of you has asked for before."

"Yuck, I bet that story has kissing in it!" his son stuck his tongue out, leaning over the frame of the top buck to get his point across.

Sonic stuck his tongue right back at him, chuckling afterward and placing a hand on his hip, "I mean you're sitting here so, of course, some kissing was involved..."

Leaning down, he pulled out the chair from the nearby desk and sat down with the chair turned the opposite way, "Anyways, settle in kiddoes 'cause this one's a pretty long one!"

As both his kids settled in, his daughter reached under her pillow and pulled out her Pokeball, her Electrike jumping right out and settling down right beside her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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