sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴏɴᴇ ꕥ 14

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"Let's go!"

At Lizzie's word, all five of them ran out the gym in unison.

As they ran down the corridors, Lucas hissed. "How did they find us?"

"I don't know but they knew we were in the gym!" Mike said.

"Lando!" Dustin said again.

"Oh my-" Lizzie began, but stopped when a bunch of agents with bright torches came in the fire exit doors.

"Got 'em!" One of them yelled.

"Go! Go, go, go, go, go!" Mike shouted.

"Come on!"

But they were trapped, they knew, for as they ran backwards, they met another group of agents.

"Back! Go back!"

But as they ran round the next corner, they weren't met with just people. They were met with a woman and three men, all holding loaded guns. And behind them, were also people with guns.

But El lead them, and whilst the others were cursing and swearing, she leant forward and stared intensely at the agents.

They started to bleed from their eyes. And the ones behind them as well. Blood came from El's nose as well as all the agents around them fell down.

But so did she.

"El are you okay?" They all ran to her and tried to shake her awake. She remained still.

"El? El? What's wrong? She won't wake!" Mike said worriedly, shaking her. "El! EL!"

He put an ear to her heart. "She's barely breathing."

"We gotta go," Lucas said worriedly.

"Leave her!" The Party turned to see the man with white hair that had lead the van people. "Step away from the child."

"No!" Mike yelled. "You want her, you have to kill us first!"

"Yeah!" Lucas, Lizzie and Dustin shouted.

"That's right!"

"Eat shit!"

"Argh!" They all yelled as agents grabbed them from behind.

"Go away!"


"No, you idiot!"

"Get. Off. Of. Me." Lizzie said in a low voice to the man holding her, trying to kick his shins.

But the four kids knew that these men were much stronger than them, and that they would never be able to overpower them.

But they still continued to shout as the man with white hair held El by the head with both hands and shook her slightly. "Eleven! Eleven can you hear me?"

"Her name is- El, you bastard!" Mike yelled, but the man ignored him.

"Papa?" El suddenly asked, eyes opening slowly.

"Yes, yes, it's your Papa," the man fake smiled as he raised his voice to compensate for the screaming kids behind him. "I'm here now."

"Let her go! Let her go, asshole!" Mike screamed again.

El turned her head in the direction of him but the man angled it back to him. "Sssshh, ssssh, you're sick. You're sick, but I'm going to make you better. I'm going to take you back home where I can make you well again. Where we can make all of this better, so no one else gets hurt."

Fight it El. He's manipulating you. Fight. Please, please fight.

"Bad," El suddenly said. "Bad."

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