Chapter 1

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"Oh my god!" I groan as i hear my best friend Sophie yell after slamming my front door shut. I pull the blanket over my head and sigh as her foot steps inch closer. "Ash!! Guess what?!" she shrieks sitting on my legs. I push the blanket off of my head.

"I don't know Soph, but it better be hell of important since you just woke me up." I say sitting up staring at her.

She giggles and looks at her phone. "Well Miss.Johnson, i just got off the phone with FM 98.7 and I was the 99th caller." She smirks proudly.

I scoff "...and this is so important you had to wake me up why????" i ask scrunching up my face.

She smiles wide "I won tickets and meet and greets for the Vamps!!" she squeals standing up.

"Oh is that that band you're obsessed with?" i asked rubbing my eyes.

She rolls her eyes "Um yes it is.... but you haven't heard the best part.. you are coming with me!" she smiles confidently. I laugh in her face with no humor.

"You're funny Sophie, real funny.. im not interested in them."

She frowns and grabs my hands "Look Ashlee I know you cant stand them but please come..... you are like my only friend and I want to have a fun night with you... plus you haven't been out of the house since.... you know.." she says biting her lip.

I sigh. She wasn't gonna let this slide "Fine.... but after this i dont want to hear about them anymore.... save that chatter for your blogs" I smile slightly.

She claps her hands and stands up.

"Well its settled.... get up and get ready.. you have a long night ahead of you." she smiles and pulls the covers off me.

I widen my eyes "It's tonight???" I ask and stand up quickly

She just laughs and walks downstairs and i hear her leave.

What the hell did i just get myself into?

I walk down the stairs and go to the fridge to grab myself some yogurt and a water. I quietly walk into the living room and sit down across from my older brother Josh, he was 21 taking courses at the local community college.

"Wheres the tramp?" i ask referring to his snobby bimbo girlfriend that is usually here everyday.

He looks up from his computer and smirks "Vanessa" he corrects me, causing me to smile, "Is with her parents at their lakehouse this weekend" he says looking down at his laptop then closes it looking at me. I nod and put my spoon into my yogurt and look back up to find him staring at me.

"What?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

He smiles softly "How are you doing Ash? Its been a year since... I mean I never see you out of that room anymore and I just think you should be moved on frm it already...." he says slowly knowing it was a sensitive topic for me.

I sigh and put my yogurt cup on the coffee table and shrug.

"I'm alive... that's a start." i say bluntly. He nods

"You know it's gonna get better" he says trying to be a supportive figure.

I nod, tired of hearing the same line a million times by 400 different people.

"I know I know, it's just hard to believe that when everything else in your world is going wrong.... I just want something to go right for once" I say staring at the pillow in my hands. It appeared to be more interesting at the moment then looking at anything else.

He sighs not knowing how to reply to that.

"Well you have me.. im never going nowhere.. I promise" he smiles, i return it as a response. "So... I heard Sophie this morning.? What was her deal?" he asks giving a slight laugh.

I roll my eyes "She won tickets to see that stupid band she always goes on about and she is forcing me to go and meet them with her."

He laughs "What were they called again? The Tramps?" he asks causing me to laugh out loud

"The VAMPS... don't let her catch you calling them that." I say still laughing standing up. "I better go get ready.. Fangirl will be here in a few hours" I say rolling my eyes heading up the stairs.

4p.m arrives and Sophie and I are lined up at the venue to get into the meet and greet.

"I really don't want to be here.." I say crossing my arms

Sophie rolls her eyes. "Ash, you can't just be in bed all the time.. you really need to try and move on from the a-" she starts

"Okay i get it.. Can we just change the subject.. im here now.." i say cutting her off.

She nods and looks at the slowly descending line ahead of us. Great I get to be in a room full of fame obsessed pop star bad boys who don't actually give a shit about any of their fans. I know one thing and one thing forsure. I do not want to be here.

We move up in line and finally it is our turn, we were the last in line. I look over at Sophie and she is grinning like crazy, i can tell how excited she is. It makes me forget about everything, shes my best friend and her dreams are coming true, i guess i can be happy for her for one night and suck it up.

"Right this way ladies" a security guard leads us through a black velvet curtain and soon we come face to face with four boys. I don't know why but i felt kind of nervous, but i hid it fine. I looked over at Sophie and she was literally in shock.

"Hello girls! Nice to meet you" the first one, which i knew was James, the one Sophie is in love with.

I smile sarcastically and Sophie literally beams

"Hi Oh my god, Im Sophie.. Im like your biggest fan.. and .. OH! Yeah, this is my best friend Ashlee, she like really doesn't like you guys, or any boy bands to be precise but i made her come and I like am so excited" she finally stops and I can't help but laugh as they all look at me.

"Wait so you don't like our music?" One with brown curly hair asked, may i add he looked about 13 years old. They all kind of raise their eyebrows awaiting my response.

I shrug " Its nothing personal, but im not a fan of cookie cutter pop stars whose fan base mainly consists of young girls, No offense Soph.." I say looking at her... "The music is all the same, about girls and love.. just like every other boyband" I say honestly, catching a glare from Sophie.

"Have you even listened to our music?" He asks again? Whats this guys deal why does he care so much cant we just take the damn picture and leave.

"Don't have to." I say bluntly. The curly head one smirked and the really tall one spoke up breaking the silence.

"OOkay then.. well lets take this picture then shall we." he says.

We all get together, and lucky for me im stuck next to that dwarf.. I dont even know his name.. Brett, Brandon? I don't know. We take the picture and I walk to the door, Soph trailing behind.

"Enjoy the show girls!" The dwarf yelled after us winking. What was his deal!?

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