Mystified Intoxication

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After our kiss, Lee rested his forehead on mine. He was thinking of something, concocting a plan. I was curious. What could he be planning to do?

He took my hand to the wide space in the living room. He went over to the music player and turned on a song to play. He came back to me and bowed his head slightly. He asked, "May I have a dance?"

I blushed, "Of course."


The song started and it was 'Til I Hear You Sing by Ramin Karimloo. It was one of my favorites. The song was from Love Never Dies. He played as the Phantom, the best in fact, I thought. I just loved the Phantom of the Opera and Love Never Dies. Truly, it was Andrew Lloyd Webber's best.

Lee took my hand and his other was on my waist. I placed my other hand on his shoulder. I took in the entering instrumental. We started moving to the music as Ramin's voice started to sing. I rested my head on his chest. We moved slowly at first, holding each other tightly. The fact that this was one of my favorite songs and apparently Lee's, it was memorable. I smiled and closed my eyes every once in a while. This was beautiful. What could I ever do without Lee? The first time we met and he asked me out, I just thought that maybe he was just going to use me just to get his mind off stress. Or a breakup. Well, we don't know his personal life. But now, dancing with him in his apartment to our favorite song seemed so magical.

At some point, I looked up at Lee and saw him mouthing the words to me. I chuckled and leaned my head on his chest again. I hear his heartbeat. Steady. For me.

Then, as Lee spun me around I looked deep into his eyes and we returned to the original position before. It was a dance that was defined with passion and love. I love him. He loves me. I loved this song because of the emotion put into it. The way we danced according to the song.

I was wearing a simple flow dress. It was sleeveless and the color of it was cream. Lee, on the other hand, was wearing a white dress shirt with jeans. There were three unbuttoned buttons at the top of his shirt. He was handsome. Well, it was quite formal for just at home, but it was dinner. And somehow Lee told me to wear something like this after I took a shower.

We danced with our feet but the emotion was in our eyes, in our hearts. My dress was flowing all around me when he spun me around again. When he brought me back to him, he dipped me low. As he brought me back up again, he smiled and looked deep into my eyes. I looked deep into his green orbs.

Soon, we used the whole space of the room. He lifted me up at the waist and brought me down again. We continued dancing. This felt so amazing, so new, so... us. Lee was a romantic guy. But he wasn't cheesy. This was my angel. My angel of love. Lee may not be an active singer, but he was a gifted dancer. I don't believe that I could survive without Lee. Our love arose from spilled coffee.

I felt like the happiest girl in the world. I really don't deserve Lee. I know that Lee could go for a Hollywood actress or a model, even. With those looks, who could resist?

This time, it wasn't like our first date. Well, at our first date it was amazing, secluded, passionate. But this time, it just felt so personal. It felt new. It expressed our feelings for one another in a power more stronger than before. I knew it would grow over time. Somehow, through this dance, I just knew Lee was the one. But, does he feel the same about me?

Thinking about the lyrics of the song, I wondered if Lee and I separated... Would one of us become like the Phantom? Missing his Christine? His one true love? Or would we just live our lives back to what it once was. Not knowing each other. Me working at a Starbucks cafe while he's at some movie set filming a new movie. But I discarded those negative thoughts.

He spun me around again, but this time, he lifted me off my feet. As my feet landed back on the floor, the song was about to come to an end. He rested his forehead on mine's as we danced till the last notes have been played. We looked deep into each other's eyes. Brown against green it was. I saw a smile curling up on his face. His cheekbones were adorable and his hair was disheveled. Ugh, he looks so hot. He will be the death of me. Soon, we were singing together, softly, just enough for each other to hear.

I'll always feel

No more than halfway real

Till I hear you sing once more

Our dance ended with Lee crashing his lips onto mine. Passionate yet soft. Did he really mean the words he sang? I know I did. But from what he just did, I instantly knew. He was undoubtedly sincere. He pulled back and rested his forehead on mine. We just looked at each other, smiling.



"I meant every word. Please, never ever leave me."

"I will never leave you. Will you?"

"Not for the world."

And we kissed again with deeper love and dynamic. Dear Lord, thank you for this man. Could he actually be the one? As I pulled back and rested my head on his chest, arms encapsulating him in my embrace, a tear fell from my eye. Lee noticed it.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing. I just never felt this way."

He started singing softly,

Love's a curious thing

It often comes disguised

Look at love the wrong way

It goes un-recognized

So look with your heart

And not with your eyes

A heart understands

A heart never lies

Believe what it feels

And trust what it shows

Look with your heart

The heart always knows

I looked up at him, "Look With Your Heart, from Love Never Dies..."

He smiled, "And our love will never die, Tori."



Hello everyone! It's been a week or so since I've updated this... I hope you guys don't mind the "Love Never Dies" and "Phantom of the Opera" reference. It started to become my obsession... Anyways. Hope you guys enjoyed it as well as Ramin Karimloo's voice.

Make sure to vote, comment and follow!!! :)

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