6PM NYC Showtime

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It was already 5:45. I already called Ally over to help me out with my hair and makeup. The dress was simple to put on, but I knew that since Ally wanted to be a part of this process to get me ready for my date with my Prince Charming. (Or in this case, Prince Lee). Ally just did a few finishing touches on my makeup.

"Oh, Tori. You look breathtaking," she said as she finally finished.

I smiled, "All thanks to you." I looked down at my dark green dress, "Well, and my dress."

We both laughed. I take a look again at how I look. My long brown hair was loose. It was all resting on my right shoulder, but I knew that even if it was cascading down to my waist, it would still look amazing. Ally blowdried my hair and sometimes I think she could be an awesome salonist.

Next, I checked out my makeup. It wasn't too heavy, but it was pretty. The blush wasn't very condensed, just enough. My eye shadow was gray, but Ally made sure it blended well to highlight my eyes.

Suddenly, she took me out of my thoughts, "Tori? Hello? EARTH TO TORI."

I shook my thoughts away and said, "Yeah? Did you ask me something?"

She smiled, "You're beautiful. And... now it's 5:50... 10 MINUTES!!!!!"

We jumped up and down. Then she remembered, "Oh. My. Gosh. THE SHOES!"

I wasn't aware that I hadn't chosen the shoes. But, Ally scrambled to her feet and went through my closet. She found some dark green flats to go along with the rest of my outfit. She placed them in front of my feet and I slipped my feet into them.

"OK. Now, you're more than just breathtaking. You're gonna be the talk of those fangirls and maybe...some jealousy?" she said cheekily.

I punched her lightly in the elbow, "Ally. You and your jokes."

Soon, without knowing, it was 6PM. And there was a knock on the door. Ally and I looked at each other, squealing. I took my Michael Kors bag, dark green as well. I guess I just love that color. I love how Mom and Dad always know what I want... Going home from the continent of Europe, they brought me a suitcase full of things. Anyways, back to the present, I went over to the door. Ally was behind me. I took a deep breath before opening the door. Lee was there, grinning, with a rose in his hand.

"Hey, you look... stunning," he complimented, which made me blush slightly.

"And you look gorgeously handsome in a suit," I smirked, waiting for his reaction. He chuckled as a blush began to take over his cheeks.

He smiled, "So... shall we go?" He suddenly saw Ally behind me. "And hello, um, Ally, right? Tori's best friend that I heard squealing in the background of my call with Tori yesterday?"

Ally laughed, "Yup. That was me. And I'm also the woman who told you to keep a careful eye on Tori. YOU BETTER, MISTER! Tori may not look much, but if you do something to her, her Big Daddy's gonna come over here and slash your throat." She glared at Lee, till she smiled cheekily.

I grinned, "OK... So let's go?"

He offered his arm for me to wrap my hand around, "Your wish is my command."

I laughed and wrapped my hand around his arm, "OK, Mr. Genie." I looked back at Ally, "Bye Ally! And just text me if something's wrong!"

Ally smiled at me, "Of course. But I don't think I would want to disturb your evening." She smirked playfully, making me look at her with narrowed eyes. But as soon as I narrowed my eyes, the sooner I went back to normal.

I looked at Lee and he smiled at me. He lead me downstairs to a cab waiting for us.

"After you, Tori," he said, opening the door for me.

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