~A Sorcerer's Duel~

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I gave you action as promised! I also came up with a very interesting way to give Frigga some mother time. Hehe, have a good chapter!

Weeks passed. In those weeks, Loki trained, the unrest escalated outside, and Thor continued to rage, ignoring Loki who felt more abandoned by all of Asgard and his family- He would have been completely without anyone to talk to, if not for his mother, with whom he trained or spoke for long hours every day.

In those weeks, Loki mainly trained with Frigga.

Once or twice, he caught the lady Sif alone; perhaps she was also growing weary of Thor's constant temper, and so the two trained together. And because, unlike Thor, Sif was not followed by a crowd of admirers, they trained in relative quiet.

Loki was delighted in finding such a good fighter in Sif. She really was highly skilled, and he was not disappointed to say that she beat him almost every other time they had ever fought- still with every battle, he was learning the pattern of her techniques and he quickly improved with his knives through daily practice.

Loki had gone to his mother's favorite garden following a long battle with Sif- He had thoroughly beaten her today, and was pleased to announce this fact to Frigga- He had seen Sif throw her mace away with a glare that could melt iron and felt slightly amused, remembering how much it annoyed him when Thor won a battle. He hadn't missed how ironic it was that he was the one boasting of a victory today.

Still- it was a deserved victory.

To celebrate, Loki had asked his mother to teach him an advanced technique in magic, and now they each dueled with magic and weapons; the goal was for one of them to pin the other and hold them in check for thirty seconds at knifepoint.

Frigga had instantly agreed to a duel.

It had quickly escalated into a standoff between mother and son that didn't look like it would end for hours longer.


¨Won't you...eventually... Let me win?¨Loki panted with a smirk, taking a breath before swinging a fist strike at Frigga. Simultaneously, Loki sent a knife flying through the air from his pocket dimension; he was aiming to force her into a corner, but unfortunately Frigga merely ducked to avoid the blow. ¨Is it really worth all this effort against me, merely to lose in greater shame for so much wasted effort?¨ Loki taunted. perspiration dripped down his face, but his eyes were bright and his attention was focused on the Warrior before him.

¨That is fools' talk,¨ Frigga said calmly, green light emitting from her hands as she prepared a spell; she also threw a kick, trying to push him back, quickly rebutting another strike with a shield spell. ¨The more effort, the more glory, and don't be so arrogant to assume that you will win!¨ she scolded, the green light reflecting on her face.

He laughed- checked himself- and then nearly missed a dodge as Frigga's knife sliced through the air at his arm!

He easily swerved, but had to quickly sidestep her second attack, and her third; and with each step Frigga took, she forced him a step back, toward a thorny hedge.

Loki was breathing heavily, but his eyes were full of light.

This fight was no nearer to ending, but he'd never felt so alive.

¨You distracted me. No fair,¨ he protested while smirking, as she turned her body midswing to aim for his legs instead.

¨Don't get too carried away placing blame,¨ Frigga said, and her eyes sparkled. ¨If you go down it is your fault alone, and no one else's. And there is no shame in battle. Whatever soldiers say, if it is life or death, they will do what they must to live.¨

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