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Clint looked at the mountain of files on his desk and sigh loudly.

"Barton, shut up! If you start writing now, you will finish!" May shouted at him from her cubicle.

"B-but you are at the end of the room. How did you heard me?" Clint narrowed his eyes.

"Because you did this for 30 minutes, dumbass! We got it! You don't like it!Suffer in peace! " Agent Marcello shouted at him.

Clint rolled his eyes and returned to his paper. He couldn't believe Phil liked to do this kind of work. And people were calling him crazy.

He smiled as an idea crossed his mind.He started to fold one of the paper until he made a plane. He threw it. It flew around the room making zig-zags and circular loops until it landed on Phil's head. The man calmly took the plane and made it in millions of pieces that he threw in the bin.

Clint tried again. And again. And again. Phil did the same thing. After 30 tries, Clint got bored. At least he got rid of some papers.

"Clint, you will have to print those ." Phil commented calmly.

"What!" he threw his hands up in the air. "But-"

"No but-s, Clint."

He giggled. "I made you say< butts>."

The whole room groaned. Agent Robbins came to his cubicle and handled him 10$.

"Take them and leave. I will do the paperwork, BUT JUST FUCKING LEAVE!"

Clint took the money happily and ran outside of the room shouting <FREEDOM! > from the top of his lungs.

Everyone applauded Robbins.

"Phil, I don't understand how can you be so calm with him. If I was his handler, I would jump from a window." Robbins told him.

"And now that we have that russian bitch in.... Imagine. Double trouble." Agent Sophie commented.

"Yeah, Phil be honest with us. Is Barton and her together?" agent Melanie asked.

"Have you seen her! She's the definition of  beautiful, but deadly. And the Budapest excuse was so lame. Really? Alone for what? 4 days? And you think they didn't do something together. I'm sure the bitch has him around her little finger." Robbins commented.

" She's not that beautiful. "Sophie rolled her eyes.

" Clint and  Romanoff are not together. "Phil answered.

" Really? You believe them? Come on, Phil. You don't have to lie. Even Hill thinks they are together. She said she saw them in the same bed —"

" That was a misunderstanding, agent Robbins. You should listen to the whole story next time. Director Fury handled that situation and all the accusations were proven to be false."Phil said.

" Pfft. He didn't search well enough. "Sophie laughed." If Peggy Carter was still a director —"

" She would have let cadet Romanoff roam around freely. Don't forget who accepted Barton in the first place. "agent Fergusson rolled his eyes.

" Still upset he beat you at darts? "May said without stopping from filling the paperwork.

" I.. it was a draw! "

" You can deny it ...I won't shatter your fantesy. But you can't deny that, as annoying as Barton is, he does a good job. Remember. He's the only one who stopped the Black Widow."

"Stopped her? I would say... delayed her." Ferguson  continued to work.

"You know what? Maybe the Widow is a bitch and I don't want that killing machine near me, but she is doing something good. She's keeping Barton occupied and far away from us. " Sophie said suddenly .

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