Deadly bunny

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"Great job!" Rabbit told Rooster as she jumped up from the stands and into the arena.Rooster didn't do much but seeing Aries' style had pumped her up.It was so similar to hers she needed to get in the action and prove her's were superior.

The stands were a few feet of the ground so she used her powers to jump on air.

"Don't use your powers!" Ox chidded. "Our opponent's may see weakness and send someone that can exploit it."

Ever the rebel Rabbit did the exact opposite.She pointed to the Zodiacs and declared."Hi!I am Rabbit.My power is that I can make anything under my leg solid.I use it to jump on air and kick my opponents with high speed and force.You think you can beat me?Then come and try!" She finished pointing her thumb at herself.

Ox rolled his eyes.He may be a fearsome general that commanded legions but he was never able to reign in Rabbit's free spirit.She just couldn't take orders.However she always produced results so he let her be.He was confident she'll win this fight.

Back at the Zodiac's stand Cancer huffed unimpressed."Must be an idiot to tell us her powers.Their not even that impressive.Taurus' sphere technique could harden anything around him.Compared to that she's just an amateur." Then he looked at Aries and provoked him."She's just like you Aries.I will go take care of her.Unlike you I won't loose."

"Why you..." Aries started to say getting up but Virgo kept him seated.She was healing his face and wasn't gonna allow him to fight and get himself more injured.

"My Sphere technique isn't that impressive since it uses up to much energy." Taurus said."However I do agree that Rabbit is quite similar to Aries.Not just in her bouncing around fight style but also her confident attitude."

"Great." Cancer interrupted as he started to head for the ring."It will be easier imagining her as Aries as I beat her up."

"Actually..." Pisces said."I have a technique that might be highly effective against her powers."

"Really?" Aries asked surprised.

"Yep." Pisces said tho she wasn't as nearly confident as she sounded."Discovered it in the Nadir race.I have been working on it to beat you on the next tournament." She declared.

"Well this sounds mysterious and interesting." Taurus said.
Cap chuckled to himself she had given him a test of this technique in the Nadir race.

"Fine.Go ahead and fight her." Cancer said.

Pisces blinked.She hadn't expected to convince them so easily.She nodded and jumped into the ring.

"Oooh giving away your prey so easily.How uncharacteristically generous.Could this be b/c she's a pretty girl." Cap teased him.

"Shut up." Cancer answered.He gave her this match b/c he knew she was powerful.After all she almost defeated him in the Zenith tournament.He trusted her to take care of this.Not that he'll ever say that to her face.


Pisces entered the arena determined and was almost immediately knocked out of it by a kick to the face.Before she left the arena another kick hit her in the back and she flew back into the center.

Rabbit wasn't one to wait around.She had started attacking the moment Pisces walked in.Still ending the match with one surprise kick seemed like bad sport.She preferred to give her opponents a chance to fight back.It was so much exciting that way.She kicked Pisces at super speed a bunch of times as she bounced off air around them.

Pisces couldn't do a thing.Rabbit's kicks were too fast to dodge.Bouncing off air gave her unpredictable trajectiles.As if that's not enough she soldified everything under her kicking feet too so Pisces couldn't transform her body into shock absorbing puffer fish.All she could do was hang on transforming the soles of her feet to jellyfish suckers and hope Rabbit doesn't kick her offstage with a more powerful kick.

It was like facing Aries' hit's coming at her with Scorpio's speed.However that was the point of it all.She had sparred with them often and knew how to handle this situation.If all goes as she planned she could end this match in one move.But first she must wait for the perfect opportunity.She gathered her energy and corrected her stance.While fighting Cap in the Nadir race she had discovered a new combo move and perfected it.She created a 'Bubble Sphere' a region of water around her.This would help her sense where Rabbit's super fast attack was coming from a few feet away from her not to mention slow Rabbit down enough for her to react.

Rabbit sensed Pisces was about to do something.Well she wasn't gonna give her the chance.Kicking around a defenseless kid wasn't her idea of fun fight anyway.It was time to finish this.She used both her legs to jump off thin and hardened air and shot at Pisces with all her strength flipping  herself into feet forward position mid flight.

Pisces smiled precisely what she wanted.The more force her opponent put into the attack the more effective her counter would be.This afterall was the principles of aikido.As soon as she felt Rabbit enter her sphere she snapped to intercept her.

No not 'intercept' that would imply resistance.Pisces simply used her aikido technique to change the direction of Rabbit's force.She turned her torso into a slippery fish's to further redirect the attack.

Rabbit's momentum was used against her and her attack backfired as she spiralled out of control and was sent flying out of the arena.The spin Pisces put on her stopped her from bouncing back and she crashed butt-first into the stands.

To make matters worse she ended up right next to where Ox was sitting.He probably was gonna rebuke her for loosing or ignoring his warning b/c he did not look amused.

She however was amused.
"Who knew revealing my technique could backfire like this.If only someone had warned me.Well lesson learned,huh?" She said cheekily.
Ox hit her in the head and she collapsed.'Worth it!' She thought as she faded out of consciousness.

Back in the ring Pisces stood victorious as the announcer declared her the winner.

"Way to go Pisces!" Aries cheered loudly.

"Interesting and efficient use of her sphere,transformation and aikido style." Taurus commented impressed.

"I knew she could do it." Cancer whispered but Cap heard him and started making smooching sounds.

Without looking Cancer punched him out.

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