Monkey King

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'She certainly is feisty' thought Monkey as he saw Libra get into the ring and challenge the them.

Feisty but a little stiff.Let's change that shall we.

He hoped into the ring with style.
"I am Monkey.Many call me the Monkey king but you can call Mon." He said winking at her.

"I don't care.Prepare to be defeated." Libra answered.

She attacked summoning her sword of truth.She swung it at Mon but he dodged laughing."Fine be that way." He said with a pout.

He was fast but she was faster.She kicked him down and swung her sword.She expected him to dodge but he simply went straight at her smiling so as the blade took of his head.

Libra jumped back shocked at his actions.What kind of dumb suicidal move was that.Was the match over.
More importantly did she kill him.
It hadn't been her intention.True this was a match to defend her homeland but she didn't want her opponents to die.That's part of the reason she always held back.

"Don't be so glum." Mon's head said.
She stared at it confused.

His body simply got up and put his head back on his shoulders."Oh didn't I tell you I'm immortal?My bad.Surprise." He said grinning as his head reattached itself."If this was a death match you would have been in serious trouble huh?" He asked her.

'An illusion or trick?' She thought but dismissed the idea.Her Sword had the power to see through all trickery.This was the.real deal he was truly immortal.She smiled.
"Actually I prefer it this way." she replied taking of her blindfold's and switching her sword to her left(Dominant) hand."If you can't die I don't have to hold back." She reasoned.
Usually since she kept herself blindfolded she used a sphere technique to use air pressure to sense stuff around her.This drained a lot of energy.Not having to do so boosted her energy level.

Mon chuckled.She was finally getting serious.Well in that case he should too.

He drew a needle from behind his ear and it grew into a staff.

Libra started by using her scales to increase his gravity.Mon barely registered it.After all the weapon he carried was actually several tons heavy.

He was used to carrying it easily he wasn't gonna be affected by a few more tons.He attacked with speed.

His staff hit her sword and Libra skid back a few feet.She realized his weapon was heavier than it looked and switched her sword with a more appropriate weapon.Her Hammer of Judgement.

It aslso increased in weight to match Mon's staff.They dueled with hammer and staff.

It was epic.The stuff of legends.Literally.
Just look up stuff about the monkey king and you would see what it'll take to stand your ground against him.
Libra also happened to be an indomitable warrior.A soldier of Justice.The battle b/n this titans raged on.If I wrote every detail down I would ruin it's epicness so leave it to your imagination and skip to the final scenes.

Libra used an ultimate attack that used the last of her cosmic energy to knock Mon off the platform.

Anticlimactic much? I agree.

That's why it didn't end there.Mon made the staff enlarge to the point it reached the sea's bottom and stayed avoided getting into the water.
"Close." He thought and enlarged the staff more to reach the arena's level.

"You ain't getting rid of me that easily.Face it you've lost." He told Libra with a smirk.

This was bad.Real bad.Without energy he was sure to win so Libra made a choice.She ran towards him.

He stared at her amused as he hung from his staff with his tail."What do you plan to do?You've already lost." He said.

"Maybe so..." Libra started and jumped off the arena.She sailed through the air and kicked the staff.The balance was broken and it started to fall into the sea.

"Yikes" Mon said but he simply jumped to the arena.He never made it.He felt a weight pulling him down.He looked down to see Libra clinging to his leg.
".....but so have you." She said as they both fell into the sea.

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