Ssssnake attack

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"A grievoussssss lossss indeed." Snake hissed analytically."Know we are at a tie.General pleassssse allow me to ressstore our lead." He asked humbly.

"Ok" Ox said simply.Partly b/c he found Snake's slurring of S's distracting and bewitching.After all Snake's silver tongue was his deadliest weapon.He could hypnotize peoples to do what he wanted by his words,voice and cobra hood.He could lull them to sleep and use his transformation technique to make snakes of various sizes to finish off his opponent.Whatever foe the Zodiac's send toward him was in for a sleep-inducing defeat.

Scorpio was already asleep.He was woken by Pisces screaming "You slept through my match!"

He looked up at her stared blankly and went back to sleep.She was furious and was about to kick him before he added.
"I don't need to see the match to know you've won.You are incredible afterall."

Pisces stopped and blushed.

"Tsk" Cancer said.

"Jealous" Cap whispered to Cancer.
"Mind your own business." Cancer replied angrily.

"I am.I am great friends with Pieces she once told me I'm the eerieness person she knew.Whatever that means.If you want I can put in a good word for you."

Cancer resisted the urge to hit him.That clearly didn't work."As if your love life is so great." He teased back.

Cap smiled and replied "I would have you know I'm planning marrying Virgo soon.Just need to trick...uh convince Libra into agreeing.But you know me always ready to help a helpless friend."

This time Cancer punched Cap.He wasn't satisfied tho.He picked up Scorpio by the leg and threw him into the arena."Time to show us what your made of slacker." He announced.Hopefully he'll get trashed and Pisces will see him for the looser he is.


Scorpio could have stopped Cancer but didn't feel like resisting.If all the Zodiacs have to fight might as well as get it over with now.He got up and stared at his snake-ish opponent.

"Wait a ssssecond." Snake said channeling his hypnotic powers into his voice."I don't want usss to fight.There issss no ussse to this war.I alwaysss prefer peaceful ssssolutionssss.Let usss just talk thissss out.What do you sssssay?"

Scorpio blinked.

"Yessss?" Snake asked.

"Um....did you say something?Sorry I wasn't really paying attention." Scorpio asked.

Snake sighed.Scorpio wasn't one to focus and pay attention and that negated his hypnotic powers.Well he'll have to do this the hard way.

He launched his attack.Snakes grew from his hands and headed for Scorpio.
Scorpio used his speed to dodge but the snakes that passed him changed came back to pursue him.They all attacked him from all sides.He had nowhere to go and the snakes  started to wrap around him.However he jumped and ran over the snakes at high speed to attack Snake.Snake couldn't retract his snake hands in time and Scorpio stung him with his paralysis poison scorpion stinger.

"Sssso you purposefully let my arm ssssnakessss pursue you far from me to open me up for your counter-attack. Well done." Snake said collapsing.

"Ummm...right?." Scorpio said starting to walk away when he felt a bite on his legs.He looked down blankly to see  hevwa bitten by a snake coming out of Snake's....but?Scorpio decided not to ask.

"You miscalculated.I can grow sssnakess from anywhere and poison doesn't work on me.I'm a sssnake after all.My viper venom on the other hand will make you writhe in agony." Snake gloated.

Scorpio didn't "writhe" in agony.Sure it hurt like being doused in oil and set on fire but nothing Scorpio couldn't handle.He had been through so much pain he was practically immune to it by now.However since Snake was immune to his poison he might as well try a d/t attack.

While Snake was still waiting for him to writh he took his hands out of his pocket and used superspeed to nerve-block(prasssure point hit) him.
Snake collapsed paralyzed.

Scorpio picked him up and went for the arena's edge.He was about to throw Snake off when he felt snakes wrap around him and tie him to Snake.

"Not so fast." Snake hissed.Since his cobra hypnosis and viper venom technique didn't work he was using his python constriction technique to squeeze the life out of Scorpio.

His body may be paralyzed but his snakes were invertebrates and thus nerve-block didn't work on them.

Scorpio may be fast but once you've caught him and pinned him down there is little his speed could do for him.There was no way he could escape his trap.

Scorpio didn't try to.He free fell of the arena's edge taking Snake with him.If they both hit the water then this will be a draw.

Snake was amazed but not surprised.In his situation where winning was impossible a draw was the best Scorpio could hope for.Joke was on him tho.

"Sssstupid!" Snake said as he let Scorpio go and extended his snake arms to reach the arena's platform.Just b/c he was off the platform didn't mean he had lost yet.Scorpio sacrificed himself for nothing.He could easily get back to the arena and win.

And so unfortunately could Scorpio.Snake's eyes grew wide as Scorpio ran up the arena's wall vertically.He sped up his arms going to the top and sent other's to intercept Scorpio but Scorpio dodged them easily while running up.It was a race b/n the snake arms and Scorpio and Scorpio aced at races.

He reached top first and waited for the snakes.When they reached he knocked them away with his stinger.

The last couple of event's happened in slow motion while Snake free fell but he finally reached the water below.As he hit the water many thoughts went through his head.How could this be.Was this all Scorpio's plan.He doubted it Scorpio seemed to be reacting during the entire fight.'He sure is an interesting specimen.I look forward to studying him more.' He thought as he went into the water.

Back at the arena Scorpio made sure to watch Snake hit the water.He was getting tired of thinking he won only to have opponent's make a comeback.But as the announcer made it official he went back to his stand.He ignored Pisces praises' and Cancer's ravings and went back to sleep.He sure was glad that was all over.

However things were just getting started...


    Zodiacs      Signs(Easterns)

Aries     0                     1

Pisces    1                     0

Scorpio 1                     0

Total      2                     1

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