Chapter 1

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"Bye-bye Sparrowkit!" a small white kit shouted as he entered the small den. I turned my head to look at him; "Hey Darkkit!" he said addressing me: his blue eyes shone in the darkness – his white pelt seemingly glowing.

"How were the others?" I asked – I hadn't seen the other kits in a while... 4 moons to be exact, I can't even remember what other cats looked like, the only cats I had ever seen where: Snowkit, Frogleap, and the Clan Medicine cat; Flightwhisker. I wasn't stupid, I knew there was a reason why Snowkit was allowed out the small den and I wasn't. All I remember is their smells... slowly I've learnt their names: there are three kits older than us: Sparrowkit, Fallenkit, and Shadekit – their mother is Frogleap's friend, Icemuzzle. There was also Kickeye who's our supposed father, but I never see him and every time Snowkit mentions him Frogleap stiffens and discards any affairs with the tom, so like I said supposed.

"Their fine, they'll be apprenticed tomorrow! And Shadekit seams to think Father's going to be him mentor, but I think that he'll mentor Fallenkit, and Shadekit will be mentored by Groundleg! What do you think?" he rambled, I rolled my eyes,

" I don't know, Ivypelt will mentor him?" the sarcastic statement left my mouth with the made-up name, but I immediately regretted it when I saw his face fall.

"Sorry, I forgot, you don't know our clan..." he responded and turned to curl up in a ball at the side of the entrance.

"I'm sorry Snowkit – I didn't mean it, I'm just fed up only seeing three faces, hearing and smelling different things from the outside..." I got up from my spot at the back of the den and curled up next to him, "Why don't you tell me some names and faces?" His ears perked up and he started to ramble on about all these different cats.


"Come on Darkkit – why don't we go stretch our legs?" Frogleap asked, I looked up at her groggily, it was dark out, and Snowkit was snoring deeply beside me. I nodded to her and got up. She led me down an old path out of the camp I knew so little about. Soon, the smell of other cats waned, we walked, it was nice – it always is. If She hasn't been busy, then Frogleap will take me out at night for long walks. Tonight, we were walking along the border. "I assume Snowkit has told you Icemuzzle's litter is to be apprenticed tomorrow?" she stopped to look at me

"Yeah?" I responded as I started to splash and play in a mud puddle

She hesitated, "Treestar wants you there." I stopped leaping through the puddle to look at my mother. The clan leader a cat I had never met - wanted me at a clan gathering! "He says that it's about time the clan met you..."

"So?" she was hiding something – she always did when it came to me, broad daylight, and the clan

"If you go – you sit by me, at the back of the crowd and look no-cat in the eye, then once the ceremony is over, you go back to the den, understood?"

"Why?" What was so bad about me seeing the clan?

"I fear for you Darkkit, the clan aren't as accepting as I wish and I fear that they won't like you, dear." She swept her preen tail through the mud to draw me close to her. I didn't understand what she meant but I knew one thing; she cared enough for me to protect me.


"Yes, dear?"

"Who's in that tree?" there was the smell of cat coming from a tree opposite us, a pair of eyes glittered in the moonlight. The sound of leaves could be heard as the eyes travelled down the tree, my vision was blocked by Frogleap's tail as I was encased in her fur.

"Is she mine?" a gruff voice asked the sent drew near and I felt Frogleap relax a bit.

"No." the response came stiff and untruthful, any cat could tell.

"You know you're a bad liar, Frogleap." The voice purred.

"Yes, she's one of ours." Mother admitted.

"One of?" the sent drew closer again – and I felt Frogleap relax against something... or one was she leaning against this strange cat?

"Two, her and a tom, he has your eyes – you know."

"What are their names?"

"The tom is called Snowkit." The stranger chuckled

"A Snowkit from a Snow Flower." Frogleap giggled at the statement.

"Why doesn't your daughter introduce herself to you?" she suggested as the warmth of her tail left me. I looked around to indeed find Frogleap huddled next to the tom, his coat was as black as my paws, but Frogleap was truthful his eyes were exactly Snowkit's. I walked out and sat in between Frogleap's paws looking up at the tom,

"My name's Darkkit." I said matter-of-factly. He purred, and bend his head down to me,

"Hiya Darkkit, I'm Coal – your father." The statement came forward.

"I was right! Kickeye's not our father!" I purred at the achievement.

"Kickeye?" he asked confused.

"Snowkit and Flightwhisker seem to think this tom that I've never met is my father – but I didn't! Frogleap would always refuse any indication to an affair with the tom, therefore he couldn't be our father!" I explained, pushing my chest out with pride. He looked at me for a while,

"Has anyone told you how beautiful your eyes are?" I shook my head no one ever mentioned my eyes, normally the only non-family member I ever talked to, Flightwhisker, would just avoid eye contact with me and look at my ears or tail. "Well, you do, remember that ok?" I nodded and leaned into Frogleap, who was radiating with happiness. They talked for awhile, as I mucked about in the mud trying to catch some of the gnats. It felt like a heartbeat before I was back to the two older cats curling in between my mother's legs, yawning.

"It's probably time we head back to camp." Frogleap said, prodding me up. Coal nodded and touched his muzzle against Frogleap's.

"Nice to see you again, my Snow Flower." Why are they so lovey dovely? "And I hope to see you again Darkkit – Maybe I could meet your brother next time." And with that he left. It was only after we crossed a strong smell of clan cats, did I realise that we had crossed the border.

"So, he's my father – how come you never mention him?" I asked, Frogleap's white hackles rose ever so slightly, and her ears flattened,

"You must never tell anyone about Coal, we will be shunned as discarded as Code Breakers. I love him as much I do you and your brother, but the clan is safer than being a Rogue with him. Do you understand, Darkkit? Snowkit must go on believing that..." she shook her head, "Kickeye, is your father." she spat the tom's name as though it was a rotten piece of prey, I guess she really doesn't like him, will I? I wondered.

I felt heat appear on my back upon entering the camp, and raced Frogleap back to the den where Snowkit was fast asleep.

Even though I wasn't allowed to tell him, I felt happy I finally knew a cat Snowkit didn't and that, that cat was our Father.

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