chapter 3 A Dead mans party?!

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The skeleton then turns its skull 180⁰ to face Danny, and it says, "Hello boss! I'm here to protect you, so don't worry!" The skeletons' voice sounding jolly despite the horrible situation situation, It's in

Danny looks up at it in sheer horror and surprise. As the skeleton turns back around to face guns & roses,

The skeleton who has been locked hand to hand with guns & roses, then somehow the unnamed skeleton pops its entire leg off without moving a muscle, well without moving a bone in its case

The disembodied leg then begins to float and it continues rising through the air until reaching eye level with both pile of bones, it then slams into guns and roses causing it to go tumbling back nearly falling over but the overgrown creature shoots out 2 vines latching onto the other skeletons wrist and pulls itself up

Danny Then begins to feel the same burning sensation as before, but he knows he hasn't been stung by one of guns & roses' vines. He then looks and sees that where guns & roses had harmed the skeleton, he somehow has the same wounds

The skeleton then turns around to face Danny again and says, "Hey boss, you should probably get moving before this gets messier," the skeleton sounding less joyful due to wincing from pain of guns & roses' vines

Danny nods and begins to stand up, ignoring the pain, guns & roses seeing this, then tries to fire a vine at Danny but is wrestled to the ground by the other skeleton who's says "not this time bucko"

Danny then runs over to the knocked out Jordans side. He then checks if Jordan is OK and finds apart from a couple of bruises and cuts from the impact of the tree he's Alright. He begins trying to lift Jordan but looks back to make sure it's OK to run, but discovers that guns & roses has gained the upper hand in the tussle, but before he can even react a green grassy tendrle comes shooting at him and wraps around his leg pulling Danny closer

Danny looks for his saviour, hoping his knight in shining armour would save him again but finds that his skeletal saviour is being pinned to the ground by vines. Seeing this Danny Screams "HELP!" But his cries are for nought for guns & roses, begins wrapping him in a cocoon made of vines

But suddenly, Jordan eyes shoot open, the star shapes that now replace pupils, shine brighter than ever, Jordan then stands up and sees what's happening to Danny, and he lets out a single tear? But it's no ordinary tear. It looks like it's made out of stain glass, and it begins making its way down his body first his cheek, then his chest, then down his arm till it reaches his hand, where a robotic arm sprouts out of the bottom of the stained glass tear, Jordan grasps the robotic arm and something changes its like he's not in control and he then blacks out

(If there's no picture here, there should be so dm or at me if it's not there and you want to see it)

But his body continues to move, and he begins moving in a robotic manner before sprinting towards Danny and guns & roses, Jordan then reaches both of them, and then he cracks guns & roses over the skull with the stain glass tear using it like a type of flail, guns & roses rears from the attack but is struck again and again it tries to fight back but is just hit with another flurry of blows

Guns & roses who are now backed up against a tree, but then it launches a pair of vines from its back into the into the air and grabs onto the vast amount of branches, which pulls it up into the trees like a marionette

Jordan undeterred grabs onto the foot of guns & roses without a moment of hesitation, guns & roses, looks down, and sees Jordan latched onto it's foot, it then tries to shack Jordan off to no Eval, it then loosens the vines around it's lower body until everything bellow the base of it's spine falls to the ground bringing Jordan with them, but is caught by the skeleton wearing the party hat

After letting Jordan down, the skeletons tends to its master, pulling Danny out of the cocoon, Danny is mostly fine due to his thick leather jacket being thick enough to not be punctured by thorns

Immediately after being let down, Jordan tries to chase after guns & roses, but the vines had already shed the entire skeleton and had feld to the safety of the vast foliage

seeing this something changes in Jordan, his eyes dull in colour and his posterior slumps, as he regains consciousness, but only for a moment before he goes completely limp and falls onto the soft green grass, the last thing he sees is Danny looking over at him and the skeleton in the party hat and glasses trying to catch him,

Danny then tries to get over to Jordan, but due to his legs getting stung when he was in the cocoon, he needs the assistance of the skeleton with the party hat, it, and the injured Danny Then make it over to the unconscious Jordan

"Are you able to pick him up?" Asks Danny

"I believe so, boss!" Loudly exclaims the skeletons as he effortlessly lifts Jordan with one arm,

"also grab that glowing rock," says Danny, weakly lifting his arm to point at the mysterious glowing rock

"Okie dokie boss, also make sure not to strain your damaged body," replies the skeleton before walking over and picking up the glowing rock

"Thank what's your name?" Asks Danny

"Well, I don't have one," says the skeleton

"Huh, you need one... well, you look like a skeleton,who's just been to a party... I'll name you Dead Man's Party!" Replies, Danny

"Boss, thank you for the name, but you and your friend need medical attention," says dead man's party

"The closest place is Jordans house and his father's a doctor, so he should have some equipment." Danny's says weakly

"So to Jordan House!" Shouts Dead man's party

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