Wes Gets a gun.

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Wes woke up, another pitiful day, luckily, today Webber said he and Wendy would take him out to go chop trees, he finally had a job! "Heya Wessy!" He heard a voice say. He waved his arm slowly to show he was threatened. "I hear ya don't get treated very well by your campmates, is that true?" He shakes his head, the nods it, showing that few of them treat him well.  "Well they're just kids, they think you're just another survivor, they treat EVERYONE like that Wessy! But I can help you, here, take this." A gun appeared in front of him. "It's a mime gun, nobody can see it but you, but it works." Wes picked it up and ran, he had to go test it. He aimed at a rabbit and... POW! The rabbit corpse laid there as he reaped his rewards, it was time to get some revenge. He first had to make sure it worked on humans, so he went over to the man that trapped him here. "What do you want you pitiful ant." Maxwell said, pissed off about the fact that he had to deal with this stupid mime. Wes pointed the gun at him, "What? You think I'm scared of your mime gun? Just leave and spare yourself the embar-" Maxwell was cut short with a bullet through his skull. As he fell to the floor he choked out, "What... have-you...fucking ...done?" Wes was ready to prove his worth. It was day 31, deerclops was coming. He was ready for war, until Willow saw him, standing next to Maxwell's bleeding out body. "Wes! Fucking help him you idiot!" Wes was shocked, she expected him to help the person who trapped him here? He held his gun to her, nodding his head no, to tell her that he wouldn't help her, and he doesn't want to hurt her. "Wes, are you drunk or some shit? You're holding noth-", a bullet flew threw her stomach, she fell on the floor. "W-why?" Wes had to run before anyone came and questioned what happened, he put the gun in his backpack(which was also invisible) and ran to go find Webber and Wendy.

-Quick swap to Webber's POV-

As Webber watched Wes run, he wondered, 'If we confront him about it, are we next?'

-The end...?-

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