Britain - Overview

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[Trigger warning for mentions of neglect and abuse (not actual descriptions of it but just in case)]

Let's start off with one of the two countries involved in sovbrit and my home country: Britain! Yaaaaaay

(Forrest is British?!?! What a shocker!!! I am nice though I swear-)

This is not any particular AU, just in general. If a headcanon is part of an AU I will specify

Have some basic background info which may give a bit more understanding for some oneshots I may write in the future

•He's a trans guy (he/him pronouns). Most people/countries don't know out of fear of being misgendered

•He's also quite obviously gay. Gay gay homosexual gay

•His full name is actually the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. But no one's gonna call him that, so Britain is a nickname

•There are many different dates as to when the UK was formed, but I'm going with the 1922 one so him and Soviet are close in age. This means his birthday is the 6th December 1922 (I think so anyway ':))

•That also means that he is technically 100 years old (as of January 2023) haha  o l d  . However, as that is still relatively young for a country, his human form is still in his 30s.

(Oh yeah, another headcanon of mine is that each country has a human form btw 🤩)

•He speaks English, Latin, Cornish (yes it's a language, unfortunately it's very endangered :(), Welsh, Scots Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, French, Spanish and Portuguese fluently

•He became friends with Portugal when he was only a child, and have remained close ever since

[Mentions of neglect and abuse here, so skip if you don't want to read it. It's not long though]

•His father was the British Empire, and his mother died just after he was born. Because of this, his father developed a hatred for him, and no matter how hard he tried to please him, he was always just neglected. The few times he did give him attention, though, were just abuse, which gave him a bad impression of what relationships should be like.

•Not to mention the fact that he was very transphobic and homophobic, so when Britain started dropping subtle hints of being trans, the abuse only worsened until his death

[Yikes, that was sad. But now, onto the less sad stuff]

•His five brothers (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Ireland) essentially raised him for those reasons. He is especially close with them, so when they argue, he gets very upset

•Although they are not biologically related, he still sees former colonies and members of the Commonwealth as siblings

•He has freckles! I think it's cute

•He tries to act polite in public, but the reality is he's a bit of an introvert and quite socially awkward. He still tries his best though

•He only wears suits to world meetings or special events. He usually finds them too uncomfortable to be everyday wear, but he's happy wearing them every once in a while

•Speaking of clothes, he wears hoodies and jumpers a lot. Partly because he's a bit insecure about the way he looks, but also because he finds them very comfortable

•Yes, he's married to a certain communist (I do wonder who it could be)

•He suffers from PTSD (every country does, just to different extents)

•He plays the piano and the violin, he's a musical lad

•He had a previous relationship with France, but they broke up a few years after WW2 ended. That doesn't stop them from bickering with each other, though

•He has quite a bad phobia of fire (pyrophobia)

That's not all of them, but it's all I can be bothered to think of right now so yeah. Every now and again there'll probably be another random headcanon in it's own chapter though lmao

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