Soviet - Overview

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[Trigger warning for mentions of the Third Reich]

Communism. Communism man.

•He's a cis man (he/him)

•He actually used to be very homophobic and transphobic, but then he got a crush on a trans gay man. He really said uno reverse card huh

•He's a homo, what can I say

•Like Britain, he has a stupidly long name which is Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. So again, Soviet is just a nickname but only people close to him can call him that. Formally, his name is USSR

•He was formed on the 30th December 1922, so he's slightly younger than Britain by like 3 weeks

•He's also 100 (as of March 2023-)! Again, his human form is in his 30s

•(Yes he's supposed to be dead, but he's still alive for plot purposes ok. He physically ages a lot slower though because why not)

•Despite being younger, he is hella tall. Like, almost twice the height of Britain tall.

•He speaks Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian (both Romanian and Moldovian dialect), Georgian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Turkmen, and Tajiki (15 countries in the union 😍) as well as Polish, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Czech, Slovak, and a bit of German (Eastern Bloc countries). He speaks English too but it still isn't like a native speaker because damn that's a lot of languages to remember

•He's very anti-America. He still holds a huge grudge against him and will rant to people about him for ages

•(He won't harm him though because Britain sees him as a brother)

•He can play the guitar 😱

•If he was asked if he had any siblings, he'd say he was an only child. This isn't true as Alaska is his adopted brother, through he is unaware of this

•Like Britain, he suffers from PTSD

•He didn't always only have one eye, his right one was severely damaged by Third Reich after he betrayed him

Honestly I could say a lot more about him but I'm tired and I just wanna get this out ugdgjd

Also I'll probably write about his past in its own chapter thingy

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