Some Sovbrit Headcanons because I love them

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•I have said this before but they are indeed married!

•Britain fell in love first, but Soviet was the one to confess those feelings

•They enjoy dancing with each other

•Britain will grab Soviet's hand if he is uncomfortable or scared by something, purely because being close to him makes him feel safer

•Soviet won't let anyone wear or even touch his ushanka - unless it's Britain

•Soviet could literally have the most sour and grumpy expression on his face yet still be holding Britain's hand

•Britain will often nickname Soviet 'teddy bear', because he will appear tough on the outside but is very soft on the inside (aka when around his husband)

•They kiss each other's scars

•Soviet will randomly pick Britain up bridal style whenever he feels like it, Britain doesn't mind it at all

•When one is sick, the other will do everything he can to take care of him

•If Britain is having a particularly dysphoric day, Soviet makes sure to give him many masculine compliments, even if some don't make much sense. Britain still appreciates it a lot though

•Soviet enjoys making Britain blush. Britain will complain about the flirting (but in reality he enjoys it)

•Britain tries to teach Soviet better English, but finds it very sweet when Soviet gets an English word wrong

•Both need their alone time, but prefer to be together than on their own

•If one falls asleep while they are cuddling, the other will not move to allow him to sleep comfortably

Eeeeeek I love them

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