Mr Washy x Dangerous Clown Dancer

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(I will make the dancer a ballerina because it is weird to imagine that there was a real dancer.
You were once a human, you loved ballerinas when you were a child. But a big clown grabbed you and turned you into a Clown, A clown Dancer if you will...
You woke up on a pedestal on a box, A big Music Box. You stared at the person checking out some clowns he then tried to wind up your box and you Jumped over and attacked him. You crawled like a spider all over him. He grabbed you and thrown you to a tub.
Mr Washy looked down to his tub and picked you up. You were fainted, he carried you to your box but then you woke up and you stood up.
"He-Hello?" You said.
"Hi I'm washy nice to meet you Miss?" He said.
"Miss... Dancey?" You said. You grabbed on to his neck to support you in his shoulder, you then hugged him before you were put back to your box.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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