𝓘 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓭𝓸 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼

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No one POV:

It was normal for people to fall in love, in fact people fall in love constantly but for people like Wednesday Addams love was something that sickens her, something she says will never happen seeing as she prefers the lone wolf mentality.

But it got difficult when it came too Y/N L/N. The constant looks he would give her in class that would give her that feeling that she hated in her stomach, The fact he wouldn't leave her alone in a possibly dangerous situation, The fact she secretly enjoyed his company.

She hated it.

Or did she hate the fact that she loved it.

So to try too get rid of the feeling that sickens her she decided too try too ignore the source. The key word being Try

And it wasn't working well seeing as Enid decided to set them both up on agreeing to go for a drink and the weathervane to try to get one of them to somewhat confess 


Wednesday was currently in her dorm room sitting at her desk Infront of her typewriter not knowing what too write...Something that almost to never happened, she couldn't get her mind off a certain H/C haired boy. Her thoughts where interrupted by her door opening and Enid entering.

"Hey Wednesday!" Enid greeted in her usual cheery tone but only got a slight "mhm" from Wednesday in reply.

"Wednesday? are you o-" Enid got cut off by hushed arguing outside the door. Knowing it was Jade and Y/N she lightly chuckled and began walking too the dark oak door. But before she even managed to take more than one step Wednesday had jumped up too get the door.

Opening the door Wednesday revealed the two twins lightly pushing and arguing over who's gonna knock on the door, one of there usual arguments they have.

The quickly stopped when they noticed Wednesday standing there with her usual stare. Jade made her entrance by just walking passed and going over too Enid not without giving a slight smirk too her brother knowing the tension him and Wednesday have.

"Let's go" was all Wednesday said before grabbing her hoodie and pulling it over her head and walking out the door with Y/N trailing behind her.

---Skip to the weathervane--- 

Y/N and Wednesday sat there in conferrable silence just drinking their coffee's before Y/N spoke up hesitantly, "So...Why have you been avoiding me"

"I haven't" Was all Wednesday replied still avoiding eye contact 

"Yes you have, you've been talking too Xavier more lately" The E/C eyed boy said looking down at his coffee now feeling the uncomfortable atmosphere 

"What does Xavier have too do with this conversation?" The dark haired girl quickly countered now with confusion of what the blonde boy had to do with anything "Are you jealous L/N?"  

The L/N boy scoffed at the thought of him being jealous, L/N's don't get jealous i mean he practically had every girl drooling over him in school...All except one. 

"In your dream Addams" Keeping the deadpan tone. "I was just wondering seeing as you made him sit next too you in all our lessons". 

Wednesday sat there, looking out the window, not understanding why she felt guilty of her actions. "Whatever...Ill see you later or something" Y/N said feeling defeated, knowing that a girl like Wednesday Addams would never like someone like him. Someone who wasn't useful like Xavier Thorpe. 

Y/N began walking back to Nevermore despite the cold rain pouring down from the grey clouds above beginning  to make his white t-shirt almost invisible.

Stuck in his thoughts he didn't hear the 5'1 Addams girl calling his name from behind, until she caught up and grabbed his elbow making him turn.

"For the record i don't like Xavier" She said in a rushed manner diverting her eyes from his visible abs to his E/C orbs 

"Then why do you keep choosing him Addams?" The H/C announced in an angered tone "I try so hard to make you the slightest bit happy, too make you want to be rou-"

"That's the problem Y/N" The Addams replied harshly "That's the problem, I hate that you make me happy, I hate that you make me laugh at you stupid jokes, I hate that you comfort me when I'm the slightest bit upset, I hate that you care, I hate that you don't care I'm different, I hate that feeling i get when you look at me, I hate that you give me that feeling no ones ever gave or cared to give me.

Y/N just stood there shocked and staring down at the smaller girl. He didn't know what to say he didn't know how to describe how happy he was. instead he put his words that he couldn't say into actions.

Y/N raised his left hand and placed it lightly on Wednesdays cheek slightly tilting he head to the side making her look at him before slowly placing there lips together, Wednesday retaliated by grabbing the back of his neck too pull him closer.

When they pulled away there was a prominent blush on Wednesdays pale face and a bright smile on Y/N's. Y/N saw how adorable she looked and pulled her into a hug causing Wednesday too tense up but soon retaliate the action.

"Thank you for confessing too me Wednesday" The boy teased knowing she would disapprove of calling it a confession. She pulled back slightly and looked at him 

"That wasn't a confection, i don't do confessions"  


Wednesday Addams x Male Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now