All the time johnniece in solitary confinement she started to starve her self slowly to death. It was a master plan to make the goverment of canada to suffer for her mistakes. Instead of owning up to her actions.
She took that shamk that she was making and sharpening for six months and cute into her wrist free Tibet
But the blood clotted before she could die because of massive dehydration that she impossed on her self as well as starvation. It could have saved her but she to the shank and stabbed herself in the next with it know from experience that the blood would squirt out. When she stabbed her self she took the shank out and wrote in her blood i love you precious tenzin in tibetan.
Making her self out to be a freedom fighter and pow instead of a serial killer.
The text morning when they checked and didn't chanting from her ceil they brumm rushed them selves into a blood bath.
When they realized what had happened they thought of problems with the free Tibet people and had to keep this quite.
They then decided to out the blame on the chinese gang bangers and white Supremacist groups as a cover up and had every one of those two groups in solitary.
But the hippies and activists got wind of the suicide and called it a travesty of human rights and a crime against Tibet.
Soon they say to the news that canada has alined its self with china and killed a woman.
These groups where being a pain in the ass and they were all arrest for terrorism.
This was the first that the Canadian public hard of buddhist terrorists over a serial killer.
The controversy over her death still remains unclear as to fit was murder or suicide.
" i want a fucking autopsy to shut these people up," the prime minister geowled like a fed up hangey bear.
When that was said and done. No sooner then johnniece was put in the ground was she uprooted yet again. This time for the last time.
This time for her autopsy.
The autopsy took about nine growling hours where she was thoroughly examined. They examinated her organs and tested her blood. Everything was consistent with with being anorexic and self torture.
When they so the death wound they looked at as if she had done it her self to her self since she was left handed and the carotid was in the left
The pathologist reallized this want turture or murder but suicide and self torture.
They said to the news media that the offical manner and cause of death was suicide. Pure and not that simple.
The grosem autopsy photos were put in every news papper hoping the free tibet people would see the evidence against their accusations.
Every so often there would be a free Tibet ralley but instead of the Dalai Lama's face on the boards it was Johnniece. Just way to say screw you to the opressures everywhere.
Some people think that i am a psychopath or whatever but i was just desperate to be loved and for someone to love back.
I tried to reason with my many lovers to avoid killing them as its not human or buddhist to kill a living thing or squander someones soul.
With each failled relationship it left a tattoo on my heart, mind and karma. As i used my faith to seduce these men
Biut what pushed me over ultimately was the fact i had to give my first daughter yeshe up for adoption or i would have been stoned or worse.
But as sommone of asian descent my self torture and my ultimately my autopsy was the a fate worse then anything my culture had planned for me.
That amd the deathes of some many innocent people so not so innocent while weigh heavily on my shoulders as i get reborn again and again. Never to achieve enlightenment even if i choose the middle path to purity.
I like the rest of the psychos: hitler and osama will be earth bound and for ever in a cucle of rebirth until the end of time mever to find happiness or enlightenment as much as i would try.
But this i have to say
I am sorry for the ice axe morders.
The lizzy bordan of Kathmandu.
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