Episode twenty eight.

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Now playing episode twenty eight.....
Part 2.

"I need a gangsta
To love me betterThan all the others do To always forgive me Ride or die with me That's just what gangsters do"

"I'm fucked up, I'm black and blue I'm built for it, all the abuse I got secrets
That nobody, nobody, nobody knows
I'm good on, that pussy shit"

"I'm fucked up, I'm black and blue I'm built for it, all the abuse I got secretsThat nobody, nobody, nobody knowsI'm good on, that pussy shit"

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Monday 1 pm


I was in the front with my dad and miss reyes they let her come up with me I think it had something to do with her knowing them but also everyone else showed up I was happy to have them by my side

"So miss Paris tell me what happened on Monday the 16th from 2:30pm to 4:16 pm " the judge said

"I was getting ready to leave the house to go meet up with jay and her friend jaileen once I left the house I took the train to the mall and meant up with jay and jaileen we walked around the mall but didn't buy anything the vibe wasn't weird until we started walking towards the park that's when they decided to play this game when you have to close your eyes and guess what the person was doing it was ok until it was my turn I seen Jayracks phone and Crystal had texted her " the judge cut me off

"Sorry honey but who's Crystal " the judge asked

"She's some one who doesn't like me she had recently stabbed me in a fight " I said

"Ok you may continue " the judge wrote it down

"So the text said did y'all jump her yet let me know when y'all do and that's when I told them I have to go but they acted as tho they didn't want me to so they ran up and for me self defense I pepper sprayed them and then I slapped both of them then the police just took me in without a adult or any questions " I said as I teared up

"Miss lanes is this right " the judge asked Jayracks

"No your honor " Jayracks said

"What" I looked at her in disbelief

"Tell me your side of the story miss lanes " the judge said

"We did all go to the mall we was vibin then we went to the park we was playing the game and when it was her turn she didn't do anything and said she had to leave so we asked why and stuff but she just said she left something so we went in for a hug then she just pepper sprayed us for no reason she slapped me and kicked jaileen in her face then the cops came " Jayracks said

"what"I said under my breath

"Ok miss erms is this correct " the judge asked jaileen

"Yes your honor" jaileen said that's when tears came out my eyes faster miss reyes hugged me as I seen people in the crowd shaking there heads and I seen dd notti ddot ari and bri plus melz just looking mad

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