Episode Sixty Three.

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Song ~ me and your mama- childish gambino . proofread!

My Kidnapper Season Three Episode sixty  two.

" This is the end of us Sleeping with the moon and the stars "

" This is the end of us Sleeping with the moon and the stars "

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August 23

I woke up and turned to see David laying next to me sleep , I wrapped my arms around him for a little before I got outta bed , I went pee and brushed my teeth and washed my face then I walked downstairs .

Niyah was still sleeping but I still made her bottle for when she wakes up , I made a bowl of cereal and decided I was gonna go to the mall for a little , after I ate I went upstairs and got into the shower , once I got out I got dressed and put on light perfume.

I woke David up to tell him I was going out , " David wake up " I said , "hm" he said , "I'm going to the mall rq wake up so you can watch niyah ". "Rd".

He went to the bathroom and I seen that niyah was up so I picked her up "hi momma baby" I said as she smiled , I went downstairs with her in my arms and I fed her the bottle (y'all I forgot niyah age if sb can remind me that'll be good )

I burped her and then sat her down with dd "bae I'll be back I love you " . "Rd be safe " . He said as we kissed goodbye, I walked out and got into the car I drove there while listening to my music .

Once I got there I walked around shopping at many different places and getting niyah clothes and stuff but once I was done I walked out with many bags and went to my car , I put the bags in the trunk.

I then felt a cloth on my mouth and nose making it hard for me to breathe I tried fighting it but whoever it was , he was strong I then passed out .

When I woke back up it was dark and cold I was tired up and my mouth was stuffed shut I could only make out sounds not actual words , I looked around checking my surroundings it looked like a basement

There was no light once so ever , I cried I didn't even know how I ended up in this position I just got kidnapped for the second time but something about this time felt very different this wasn't David or any of them this was someone i don't know .

I heard the basement door open and someone walked down with the light on he was darkskin but had a ski mask on I could only see his hands , I looked at him with tears falling down I tried making nose but you could only hear my whining through the cloth that was in my mouth .

"Well look who we have here " the man said as he walked around , he took the cloth out of my mouth and the first thing I did was yell and scream for help but he js sat there and laughed .

"You rlly think sb can hear you just know nb will ever be able to hear you " he said

"What do you want from me " I said

"I don't necessarily want you it's more so your little boyfriend dd ....yea we go way back but I couldn't get to him fast enough and I just so happened to find his baby mom I was more so wishing that you had ya sweet baby niyah with you but oh well gotta keep him with something yk " the man said

"Please just let me go I won't tell anyone " I said while crying

"See I can't have that , I know something you been hiding for such a long time , what I rlly want is revenge dd took away my brother and now it's my turn to take away something he loves " the man said

"They'll come look for me , you won't get away with this " I said

"But I am cause you'll help me , your gonna call dd and tell him your never coming back and that you found someone new so don't come looking for you " the man said

I js sat there in silence as he pulled out a burner phone and dialed dd number , he then held a gun to my head and called the number

"Yo who dis " dd said on the line

"D - David I won't be coming home s - so don't look for me " I said with a shakey voice and tears coming down

"Melani are you okay where are you " he said

"I've been kidnapped help please " I said real fast

"FUCK yk what ... David don't come looking for her I promise you this won't end good for neither one of us I will tell everyone about what you did how you kidnapped her first when she went missing, you'll go to jail and then I'll kill your baby and then your girlfriend don't try it " the man said with anger as I cried harder I was helpless

" Fuck listen if it's me you want take me no cops will be involved just leave them out of it " dd said

"Nope it's not you I want anymore I found something better " he said then hung up the phone

"See now you made this hard for me you left me with no choice I'll js keep you down here until you rot no food no water no sun light .

I cried for help but he js put the cloth back in my mouth and walked upstairs with the lights turned off I felt like I was gonna die down here I mean I think I will I have no idea where we are , and dd have no way to track me .

I just sat there not even sleep just numb .

𝓶𝔂 𝓴𝓲𝓭𝓷𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓻 ( 𝚊 𝚍𝚍𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚊 mafia story) ~ OUR DEEPEST SECRET.Where stories live. Discover now