Episode Fifty.

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Song ~ Y.D.L.R "Tory lanez"

My Kidnapper Season Two Episode Fifty.

MELANI PARIS JUNE 17th 📍ATL 2:30pm————

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JUNE 17th
📍ATL 2:30pm

We just recently landed in atl and we are now
in the car on the way to my house

"You nervous " I asked David

"A little but she's a baby so" he said

"Yea so that means you got time for her to open up to you because no other dudes been treating her like they child besides my dad " I said

"Ohrd " David said


We arrived at the house and I parked in the drive way

"Damn this house big " ddot and notti said in sync

"Mhm I know " I laughed a little and got out so did everyone else

"Rd so bring ya bags and let's go and no cussing around my child " I gave the boys a death stare

We walked into the house and they followed me down the hall to the living room where my parents was

"Ahh my babies y'all got so big " my momma hugged the boys

"Momma where niyah at " I asked

"She sleeping you can go see her but don't wake her up she Been up damn near all night I couldn't get any sleep " my mom said

"Okay cmon David " we walked upstairs and into the baby room where niyah was sleeping

"Aww she's so pretty she look just like me " David said

"Boy no she don't she look like her gorgeous momma " I said

"You right she do " he smiled and looked at her I just already knew he would be a good dad .

We walked back downstairs and he got his bags and I took him to the guest room which everyone had one unless the girls wanted to sleep wit they man that's up to them

I went to my room and sat down just thinking like I always do it's a lot going on right now but I can't let it break me I have to be strong for me and my child

30 min later I walked downstairs and made niyah a bottle because she had started crying so she's in my room with David right now so after I made it I went upstairs with them

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30 min later
I walked downstairs and made niyah a bottle because she had started crying so she's in my room with David right now so after I made it I went upstairs with them

"Pass me her " I said as I sat down and he passed me niyah so I started feeding her

"She stopped crying once I held her I think she likes me " David smiled

"Mm she must like you " I shrugged

I had on calm music while I was feeding niyah and once I was done I burped her and sat her up against the pillows making a border so she wouldn't fall sideways

"How You know what to do with baby's " David asked

"I mean my mother taught me and I guess it comes naturally when I'm put in a position to be a mother " I said

"Oh" he said

"You good with kids to " I said

"I know Just because I'm around guns and weed doesn't mean I don't be around babies they so adorable plus melz have a child so" David said

"Mhm I'm proud of you " I said

"For what " he said

"Ion know like you just been staying outta trouble " I said

"Yea but not really I might have to go away soon" David said

"Wait why " I asked

"You know wit the whole Crystal situation I don't want them to figure out and arrest you I wouldn't let that happen " David said

"It's no evidence of anything so they won't find out plus don't nobody know but us so let's keep it that way don't worry " I said

"See this why I love you so much " he kissed me and I kissed back and we heard the baby laughing

"She likes us together " David smiled

"She sure do " I smiled back

Out of no where we smelled straight shit and she started crying

"Omg nope not today " David got up

"Don't you walk out this room David reyes " I said sounding like somebody mother

"Fineee" he sat back down as I went to get the diapers and wipes


"Aww my poor baby" I said as I was changing her diaper

"Mm Mm " dd covered his nose

Once I was done I threw the diaper away and picked niyah up and rocked her side to side In my arms

"Let me hold her " dd said

"Hun" I passed niyah to David and she acted so calm

Ring ring ring  ring ring ring

"Hold on I'll be back " I stepped out the room and answered the phone

"Hello" I said

"Hey Melani how are you doing " miss nia asked

"Good how about you" I said

"Good you don't call me anymore everything okay " she asked

"Yea I had my baby and I stop communicating with some people " I said

"Oh ok I do have a question are you still taking your medicine " she asked

"Umm no when I moved I forgot it and I wasn't sure what it was called and I figured I didn't need it anymore " I said

"Yea you gonna need some more because once you start having bad feelings again you won't have anything to help you and also with a baby it could be hard so ima call in to get you some more okay" miss nia said

"Uh ok but I gotta go " I said

"Okay " I hung up and went back in the room

"Who was that " David asked

"My therapist she just told me to get more medicine " I said

"Oh okay " David said

We got into bed with the baby in the middle and took a nap because I was tired and David made the baby fall back to sleep .

My Kidnapper Season Two Next Episode Fifty One .

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